how do i get better teammates?
Aced 2 times in the first 5 rounds (we still lost like 9-13)

32 Replies
You got placed in a low elo match
or you are smurfing
Peak iron 3
Im playing with my platinum friends
they got boosted
no way you are peak iron 3 bruh
that's the answer
get irl friend
no he just needs more honest friends
Im serious in iron 3 rn my peak is only bronze 2
Peak iron 3 this act!!
What are these stats? Hs 5%? Around 35 dmg per hit????
Are you just lurking and shooting the enemies from behind?
It is very obvious that you are not smurfing. Although its just a miracle that you managed to do 2 aces there which in this case has certainly nothing to do with skill but more with loads of luck. You should have played lottery instead.
dont mind the mic
This is horrible. Almost no hs always spraying. Most of them you catch off guard. How do you even manage to get so little hs?
You dont have to reload after every kill
dont solo q
its more of a mild ocd
i queued with skye and reyna
im iron 3 ;v;
play with mics
i comm'ed
so i just shut up'ed
That has nothing to do with your low hs rate. You simply do not deserver better teammates. That is all i want to say.
I found that match which was 1 week ago an unrated match, and your final hs was even 4%.
well just 5 stack with teammates you play on daily basis to know they're playstyle etc
im improving my head shot ps

i have highest with chamber tho

One thing is obvious that you are so many times placed 8th, 9th, 10th (in your ranked matches) that its maybe a good idea to only pick a duelist when noone else wants to play them.
yeah š
No last episode they had 9.3% hs rate (overall), and this episode 12% on jett.

U could try igl
the stats from val tracker on the overlay are fked rn tho, it will often show single digits. i average 35% hs but the game overlay will show me 3%, if i check the website after the game the real hs rate is shown
Iām tryna improve in unbanked