VALORANT15mo ago

Valorant crashes entire PC when i tab out

My Computer crashes sometimes when i tab out of Valorant. I'm very sure it is because of my Windows 11 that i recently installed, i searched it on chrome and found few related posts about it happening. I am very sure my Computer is more than capable of handling valorant as it has RTX and RYZEN 5000 series Gpu and Cpu. When i mean Valorant crashes my PC, i mean that i have to press the power button off and on just to get my PC running again, My specs are: RTX 3060 Ti, Ryzen 5600X, B550M Dash motherboard, 16 Gigabyte dual channel Ram, 1 Terabyte storage (800gb Remaining),
6 Replies
Thomas15mo ago
Heyy @remdomain ! If you mean that it sometimes freezes your entire pc except your mouse take the following steps. On Windows 11, navigate to Settings > System > Display > Graphics > Change Default Graphics Settings and turn off "Hardware-Accelerated GPU Scheduling." This should fix it.
ReggOP15mo ago
Really hoping this will fix the issue. Thanks! 👍
Thomas15mo ago
You are welcome!
ReggOP15mo ago
just found out valorant game me a 14 day compet ban again.. its been a while since i tried fixing this and nothing ever worked so i disconnected in ALOT of games
Thomas15mo ago
Yeah that sucks to hear, but this worked for me and some other people to. Hope it will for you as well.
Legend :)
Legend :)15mo ago
what about windws 10 having same issue cuz am having it.

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