So uhh do I have really high edpi?

I just watched a video about sensitivity and calculating edpi. I wanted to double check I'm doing it right cause if I am that means I'm playing on really high sens and never realised. Edpi is dpi x Val sens right? Val sens is the sensitivity: aim slider which for me is 0.8 x my dpi which is 800 so 640 is like really high isn't it. I've seen most people on average recommend a range of 180 - 360 so should I lower my in game sens? What I'm currently doing is just an anchoring my wrist and never using my arm so if I do turn it down I will have to use a combination of both right?
3 Replies
globgogagalab14mo ago
if yr comfortable with it theres nothing wrong with it usually using both arm and wrist is better but if ur hitting ur shots and ur wrist doesnt hurt ig its fine
Oakleaf30OP14mo ago
Uhh yeah that's the problem my aim is pretty bad I do strafe and shoot but I usually just end up shooting randomly and hoping that I hit them So ig it's a combination of panic + too high sens or I'm just bad
eyeclouds14mo ago
try lowering it never hurts to try a diff sens

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