I am stuck in compitetive queue for 3 hours...
the prev queue took 30 min before i stopped and tried again and its has been 3hrs 20 min now... what do i do?

33 Replies
You give up and touch grass
No but srsly just stop lol must be no ppl queuing
lol i just left it like this and did something else to see how long this will take XD
did you close riot entirely and launch it again ?
i didnt close the launcher
just game
let me try
close it by task manager
i restarted my computer
started queue
it worked!!!!!
de rien bg
that seems impossible.
could be servers crashing.
@basketbiscuit he already fixed it riot just bug happen on every launcher
oh ok.
weird quesiton
What's the best crosshair
for Vandal
there is no best crosshair some prefer cross some prefer point
i have cross
do you like it ? i can give you my 4 cross if you want and you choose which one you like
i kinda hate it, bad for vandal and phantom
and yes i would love to see your crosshairs
wdym ?
if you also have dot crosshairs please view me to
why its bad ?
i dont get good aim
i think coz the ammos just fly away
and due to pressure
the gun goes up
not facing the opponent
@basketbiscuit this have nothing to have with crosshair
oh ok
Could you also send the images (its ok if you cant)
you just have recoil on the weapon, if you move while shooting you bullet dont go where you look
ok thanks
@basketbiscuit you should look at guide for newcomer it would help you a lot
actually its been almost a month since i played

yet some doubts at some parts
thanks for the help tho
yep but on valorant its hard to have basic if you have no one to play with or you dont look guide
ok i got stuck again for 2 hours
wait why are u guys discussing crosshairs under my post lol
the guy wanted to help you but i already did it so he ask about crosshair after
anyway i just closed the game for today... ill see if it happens again
ahh ok XD