Why can't I buy any VP in the Shop with PayPal? I have always an error and I don't know why. :(

13 Replies
It's since the new battlepass
In every other game my PayPal works!
Try using your card directly
I have the same problem, did u figure out any way to fix it?
what if i can't move the money from paypal to my bank account tho
Payment method issues usually stem from issues from Riots servers but can also stem as an issue on the end of the payment method, whether that be their servers, or your information is incorrect
I would reccomend you either buy a valorant point gift card from a local retailer that sells them or from a trust worthy website or inputting your card details directly in valorant when buying VP
If paypal still doesnt work after a while. id reccomend reporting it to support so they can pass it on to the bug hunters and have them further investigate the matter ->>>> https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us
bro help

You bought vp and it gives you this
happenswith paypal and visa
When you click back does it give you the vp
i dont know if it is charging my bank or not
I would report this to support as well or if the funds were taken from ur account but no vp was given to you, file a compliant and ask for a refund
HOW do i report to support?
HOW do i report to support?