is it 42 gb?
i just installed val and it shows 42 gb is it that much storage now?

14 Replies

no actually
i had 54 storage now i have 13 gb left tho

its 41 for me too
but the shortcut says smtg else
yeah 41.9
its a shortcut
not the game size
dw about it
just a bug maybe
maybe 41.9 is the actual value, idk why there's fluctuatin values everywhere
just windows thing
dw abt it
when i was installing it in about 50 percent i shutteddown my pc
then i redownload so thats why 41 gb?

this is just the app value
im telling about the whole Valorant storage value
@exucaliba IS IT BECaUSE OF THIS?
yes it is 41.9 for all