Who is the best agent for solo queue competitive?

I recently just start playing valorant and i wanna be a pro player so i can carry my teammates in the game but i need one of the best agent that has potential in ranking up so i can start early with this agent by practice and learn more about this agent. I have heard a lot about Reyna and Cypher what do you guys think?
5 Replies
ACherry604915mo ago
There's no real best agent, especially if you're just starting. Play around when you're not in comp until you find something you enjoy playing, then play that. Honestly, you can solo carry on anything.
Jack Reacher
Jack ReacherOP15mo ago
Okay thank you.
if you are serious about ranking up and winning games, play smokers. The smokers in this game are: Astra Viper Omen Brimstone Harbor usually no one likes to smoke so if you can get super good at these agents you could win games with good smokes in low ranks which I would assume you are in, people have huge egos most of the time so people like to just instalock Duelists so instead of arguing with the team on who plays what role you can take a Controller and try to help your Duelist get lots of kills that's the reason I play smokes at least but play whatever you want tbh only when you hit like Ascendant does team comp start to matter in lower elo just have good aim and you'll climb
✰ Toxic  ✰
✰ Toxic ✰15mo ago
phoenix is a really good self-sufficient agent because of his well-roundedness
Jack Reacher
Jack ReacherOP15mo ago
Okay thank you. Okay thank you.

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