Best weapons for a beginner right now?

I searched everywhere on the internet and every source/guide seems to be 2 years old. Valorant seems to be an active game with regular nerfs/buffs so I don't think I can trust those Can you guys tell me what guns are the meta rn? Or more importantly, what guns are so bad that playing with them would mean I'm actively sabotaging my team?
66 Replies
iam the night
iam the night14mo ago
sit in a corner with a judgement
Holo14mo ago
That’s not really how val works. Guns aren’t rebalanced all that often and all guns are viable in different situations. Typically you end up buying based off of your economy and what you can afford, for example buying a vandal or phantom with heavy shields when you have over 4k You pretty much just develop a sense for what to buy when as you play and learn. Also a bit of personal preference as some buy ranges have multiple options, such as if you’re buying up after winning pistol and you could choose between spectre, ares, marshal, stinger, etc
Eros14mo ago
It can also depend on your playstyle like if you play smokes a phantom is a good option
sb14mo ago
generally all guns have their pros and cons for most rounds of the game you want to aim for a vandal and shields
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Update: My team kicked me out
sb14mo ago
if you dont have enough money to buy this ^, then you either go with a classic and try to do as much damage to the enemies economy (killing them 1v1 and take their gun, maybe try to win the round) or you can light buy which is either buy a stinger or sheriff and try to win the round by some crazy strategy
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
So if I want a more tap-style weapon I go for the guardian, if I wanna spray/burst I go for vandal?
sb14mo ago
yeah generally gaurdian shouldnt really be bought
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
I usually see phantom/vandal mentioned interchangeably, can you tell me what the main difference is?
sb14mo ago
okay so phantom can shoot faster than vandal but after 15 meters a headshot from a phantom doesnt one tap to the head but vandal will one tap no matter what
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
The way shooting in valo works, most fights are decided in the first few shots right? So is phantom's higher fire rate a significant advantage? And that's because it's good for spraying through a smoke? My current main (Phoenix) has a wall, does that mean he's also smokes or is there a "walls" category?
Eros14mo ago
Yeah, it has no bullet tracers so it’s harder for the enemies to shoot you back, if you had a vandal and shot through smoke it would be pretty easy for a high elo player to hit you When I say smokes I mean a controller Viper, Astra, Harbor, Omen
sb14mo ago
i guess but vandal can instantly one tap you if yuo get shot in the head generally phantom excells in close range and vandal excells in longer ranges
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Oh I didn't know that, I'll keep the tracer thing in mind for when I get out of the bottom of the barrel elos As a beginner I should just practice my vandal and good old classic, right?
sb14mo ago
Eros14mo ago
Yeah, which is why phantom is so good for smokes because you’ll generally be close range
sb14mo ago
classic not really
Eros14mo ago
Try going ghost/sheriff on deathmatch Practice those for pistol round
sb14mo ago
sheriff is good
OsWaynZz14mo ago
practice every weapon exept shotgun (you just need to low at high chest low head to one shot) because at one time you will play them
globgogagalab14mo ago
theres no guns on meta lmao
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Is there a reason every single one of my teammates in TDM choose the silencer pistol? I thought the sheriff was better based on how many streamers play it So would you say a gun guide video made 2 years ago would still be valid today?
OsWaynZz14mo ago
most people use ghost more than sherif
globgogagalab14mo ago
depends but sure actually nvm 2 years ago was like the beta so no
OsWaynZz14mo ago
idk what video you watch but weapon had many nerf and buff so not really
Eros14mo ago
Because it’s cheaper and allows for you to save a bit for either util or a better gun next round assuming you win
globgogagalab14mo ago
theres not much to learn about the guns u cant choose the sheriff in TDM for first round
OsWaynZz14mo ago
if you got question on weapon or the game ask us
sb14mo ago
becuase in the first stage, thats the only gun you can equipt
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Fair enough, I was looking for a video so I could get info on every single weapon in the game without annoying someone with all these questions
OsWaynZz14mo ago
you dont annoy us we are already annoyed, we have nothing do to xd
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
I'll just start practicing with guardian and vandal for now
Eros14mo ago
Tbh the best way to learn is just by trying the guns
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Damn is valorant that tilting? XD
sb14mo ago
i vouch
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Is it true what they say? That it's the most toxic shooter game on the market
OsWaynZz14mo ago
many of us just dont play during of week because we are tired from work nah
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Meanwhile I can't wait to get a job so I can have a decent PC for playing games Guess that's the circle of life
sb14mo ago
Eros14mo ago
Eh, tbh most of my matches are just weird not toxic
sb14mo ago
you can actually have nice vconversations with players on your team unlike csgo
OsWaynZz14mo ago
if you still at your parent house do it, if not be carefull, there is rule for people new to working, how much you should spent with how much salary so you dont put 2 month of salary direct
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
So far I haven't come across anyone with a mic
Eros14mo ago
How long have you been playing
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
True, CSGO has toxic players in literally every language
Eros14mo ago
There’s at least 2 people with mics in all games and everyone else at least has comms
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
3 days
Eros14mo ago
There should only be like one person a match that may have comms turned off
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
But I don't play ranked, only Team Death Matches
Eros14mo ago
Oh No one talks in there 💀 There’s no need to strategize Get on unrated
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Yeah I can't imagine a normal match without comms Gotta coordinate the spike and stuff Yeah, the PC is kind of a pipe dream seeing as I'm still in uni My laptop can get 85frames stable and has a 165Hz screen, plus I have a decent keyboard and gaming mouse so I should be able to get to a decent level on this setup
OsWaynZz14mo ago
what i did i had 700$ by month because i am an apprentice, i put 100/300 by month depend if i think i will go out often, if i need to buy something
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Ooh, apprentice in trades?
OsWaynZz14mo ago
laptop is shit sadly, when you got it, you were having more fps ? nah carpenter, drywaller
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Nope, it's pretty new, it doesn't have a GPU since I needed more battery/less weight for all the walking/travelling I have to do by bus and train Gaming laptops are really inefficient unless you go for wallet busters like the ROG Zephyrus
OsWaynZz14mo ago
what is your ?
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Good stuff, that's a field that won't be affected by all this corporate bullshit going on
OsWaynZz14mo ago
in france we do actually
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
It's a German brand so you may not have heard of it, it's Schenker France so I'm guessing you're unionized?
OsWaynZz14mo ago
yep i didnt heard about it i need to google translate unionized xd
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Schenker is XMG's non-gaming laptop line. XMG has the best performance gaming laptops in the world Yeah you guys probably have your own word for it
OsWaynZz14mo ago
i just google translate this, we have one when the company is big enough about 10 you need one we are 3 so we dont have one, or we do, idk we had one xd
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
Only 3? I'm assuming you have a nice boss then I noticed people have better friendship in careers like construction and trades
OsWaynZz14mo ago
i cant say my dad is a bad boss <:val_KekwSob:914192985166610433> trades depend people need to have good friendships its a need but construction yeah, when you do good job you have many friend
TheLevhartOP14mo ago
"when you do good job you have many friend" truth of life
OsWaynZz14mo ago
yep always was and will always be

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