Created by TheLevhart on 1/24/2024 in #community-help
Best weapons for a beginner right now?
I searched everywhere on the internet and every source/guide seems to be 2 years old. Valorant seems to be an active game with regular nerfs/buffs so I don't think I can trust those Can you guys tell me what guns are the meta rn? Or more importantly, what guns are so bad that playing with them would mean I'm actively sabotaging my team?
106 replies
Created by TheLevhart on 1/22/2024 in #community-help
Started today, tapping, burst or learning spray patterns?
I'm new to Valorant, but a seasoned player of both Fortnite (Bloom system) and Apex Legends (Spray patterns system). The biggest shock in valorant to me was how I can jump a completely unaware enemy, open fire on them and still not be able to kill them before they kill me. I'm doing research rn but most tutorials tell me to do bursts with strafing in between, but then when I watch actual ranked gameplay, it's someone using spray patterns and holding shoot down to kill the enemy. What's the best way to do it? I know it sounds like a lazy post but I genuinely want to know so I don't develop any bad habits in the long run
191 replies