I have gotten suspended permanetly?
Please help, i have been permanetly suspended but i didn't play for around 4 weeks now and i am suspended.
Is there any way to fix this?
94 Replies
i even lost my 2 other accounts that had multiple skins in them from the battlepass which i earned but ig its over
its a 3mnth
harware ban
3 MONTH???
any acc u open on this device will be permanently banned
i dont even know why i got banned
yeh happned to me in 2023 in april and it un cloked after 3 mnths i also lost 2 scc
but why does this happen?
i complained a lot to customer care but nothing happened
for using any third party app that interfare with the game
so like emulators?
anything that interfares with game files
it could also been caused by a virus
nothing interfaces with my game files?
idk thts wht they told me in a ticket
well then idk what to do
im gonna be bored ig

wait so i can make a new acc?
and play?
or is it for every single acc that i make
no it says create a new acc after the ban
but HWIC is a hardware ban
playing while ban will get u banned dont waste your emails
i tried everything even bought woofers
its HWID
awit wait wait so i basically lost my accs?
like permanetly?
yeh they never gonna come back
ik ik
its sucks
belive me
its fcked up
i dont think ill ever play valorant again
ik ur pain
expect maybe once in my life cause i spent like almost 200$ alone in such good skins
i had to spend my whole summer playing csgo while my frends payed valo
You have not lost them permamentaly im sure, they said they will try to lift the ban and meanwhile you can try to play on another account
hardware bans dont work like tat
a hwid ban just deletes your acc
and gives a hardware ban for a set time
and my time could be like 3 months
or maybe 1 month
Wait so your account is completely deleted? Tell them about it and how mutch money you spent maybe they respond
@._synclare @yourhonestfriend its a 4 month hwid ban, your account are gone and every account where you connect will be perm ban
my friend has the same issue, but the hacker banned his account

I would recommend contacting Support if you haven't already
dont think support will hep me
i will try ix this somehow but i dont know if vanguard support will help on random third partypunishments like these
some of them cant be removed but some can i dont know tho
I don't know what makes you think posting something here would .ake a difference then? Support allows you to talk to Riot officials, but here no employee will see it, and even if they did that individual Rioter can't just ban people.
So if you want to submit a proper player report for genuine consideration, you'd have to contact Support.
i dont really know anything about the banning system in riot so thats why i am a bit skeptical in multiple ways but i will contact support to atleast know if my account can get the suspension down or not.
if not i will have to wait thru the suspension and make a new account
Only Riot Support can help cause they're the only ones with access to this stuff
i got the same thing but how do i make sure its only 3 month
i forgot my riot id 💀
oh wait nvm
i got it
its not 3 month ban of hwid its 4
this game is ass it time to switch to cs2
@.keizn if you want, but vanguard is still the best anti cheat because 90% of the time is not false ban
and what about the 10%
istg i did nothing wrong bro
5 get unban 5 other are on cs
but the thing is
suspensions are 100% sometimes false
cause i see so many people just complaining over false suspensions like me
your sentence isnt working
yeah and you ask, did you use this this not but i did this
but how come when i say smth like racist i dont get a temporary suspension but if i just chill and play valorant with raw accel and valorant tracker open i get a perm suspension
@.keizn @yourhonestfriend
share account ?
shop app ?
crosshair app ?
connect with your riot account some where other than the riot official website ?
skin changer ?
like how does that make sense
wait what does shop app even mean>
raw accel was never been told clean
just a python project in the background
an app to see your store from your phone
then how come my friend who was diamond 2 didnt get suspended for using it
and i do
all the pros use raw accel also
no ?
lets look at tenz for a sec
because its hard to detect ? because, not everyone will get detect ?
yeah cool he use it 1 stream, also he is a streamer, if he want to get unban, he get unban, also most pro player dont use it because it mess with your aim
proof ?
you want me to ask my friend?
and plus
i am bronze 2 so what am i gonna be with raw accel
do i care about your friend ? show me your proof pro use it
i use wallhack and aimbot im iron 1 what that gonna change <:Brim_HideThePain:1019655986178445313>
alot of things
you get banned more easily with cheats but with raw accel you shouldnt be able to get banned with it
okay, what do raw accel do ?
improves your mouse movement
thats all it does
it isnt detectable by riot anticheat
because it is usable and is fun to test around your mouse sensitivity with raw accel so i dont get your point
dont shit with me, it does not, even if im not a pro on the subject it make you mouse easier on flick or micro ajustement so its an advantage
look like its
its fun to cheat too, idk what you mean
cheating is not fun when you get banned
so what are you trying to say?
but look like your sure about yourself that nothing is wrong with raw accel to explain your cheat is giving you an advantage, what does raw accel do ? give you an advantage, its not because its harder to detect, that its legit
where does it give an advantage?
it only shows your best sensitivity that you could use
it doesnt make your mouse just flick on the enemies head and get the kill for you
no ? are we even talking about raw accel ? because its not what i know from raw accel
no it dont, i didnt said that ?
you dont even know what you use ? i just explain it
raw accel makes your mouse inputs faster which makes it alot faster for you to respond to the enemy and kill the enemy
is that correct?
yes, it give easier flick, and you can also change setting to do the same but with micro ajustement and we call this an advantage, because you need a third party to do this
so you telling me that i get banned within a week of using raw accel meanwhile my friend who plays valorant pretty much everyday and doesnt get banned
riot anticheat really gets messed up when its put up in higher elo ig
its like i just said about 5 time, hard to detect, its why people think its legit and not bannable, if you dont have luck you get detect
then this is just a piece of bs
luck literally does not matter in any sort of way of getting banned
using something, you dont know if its bannable is bs
if you want i give you your answer take them like you want
i dont even care at this point my friend said it isnt bannable he did his research all he wanted i dont believe both of yall so ima just call this complete bs and i fairly got banned i dont wanna keep arguing cause i wanna keep playing my game

ok now go ask the support on their website, i know it because i know what will be their answer
hts wht i said
you said 3 no ?
yeh its 3 to 4 mine was 3
3 was before then maybe because now its 4 month for sure