Can u tell me if Imma get the Ascendent gunbuddy?
so I've reached ascendant will i get an ascendant gun buddy in the first episode? and when episode 2 and 3 are done but episode 2 and 3 im diamond, will i get an ascendant gun buddy too? or diamond? once i reached it, I never played a single game again. Is it enough to get the ascendant gunbuddy once the episode is done?
5 Replies
you got something wrong there
what is it
the new episode (act1 now) just started
1 episode = 3 Acts
after every episode players get a rank buddy, depending on the highest rank shown in the win-triangles. it doesnt matter within wich act you peaked, as long as you have 9 wins that act.
so if you reach ascendant in ACT 1 but "only" dia in ACT 2 and 3, you still recieve the asc buddy, as long as you have more than 9 wins in act 1.
okay thank youu