valorant not loading into game fast
anyone help with this? i recently restored my pc after it not being able to update to play val, and i also got a new ssd, however though whenever i get into a val game it gets stuck on the map loading screen for about 7 minutes before it finally loads in, i dont have bad wifi (25 ping) and i have all the recommended things to play val it just wont load any faster for some reason, if anyone can help/give an explanation on why this is happening itd be greatly appreciated
41 Replies
Valorant is glitching all day.
not your pc
its valorant happening in all games
goofy ah game
I told you it’s Georgia servers
oh shi actually? ive searched up things saying i had to move the game to my ssd and other dumb things, ty tho i was worried about my game lol the range seems to be loading fine now just not the actual game!
Yeah I’ve tried a couple times and now I’ve got banned for leaving games :/
@Daneee what type of storage thing do you have val installed on?
hdd or ssd?
not aobut that
its the servers
servers wont make it load for 7 minutes
Its not, if it was all the game would take 7 min to load not only him
It’d be nice to have an actual fix , keep getting penalties for loading in too late 😭
Brodie, its the servers.
You have to restart youyr game if your in the loading screen.
Anyone know if it’s working again
if you read what oswayn said
if it was a server issue then every single person in the lobby has to restart and therefore get penalties
which clearly doesnt happen
meaning its an issue on op’s end
i got a workaround bc inhave same issue
sinply queue into a deathmatch or two for your pc to sorta warm up
It’s at least 2 people in every game when it happens. Also it’s happened to me and my friends who aren’t even in the same location. Val has acknowledged unstable servers just now
after those deathmatches, games should be loading in normally
Been doing that a few days, does not work
ive had it happen so many times
other people and me
its not the person
its valorant
happened to me

goofy ah servers
It is
check where is ur game installed at
move it to ssd if possible
only server bugging is georgia, so if he change server he would see
Nothing to do with that either
nah what
u have no idea what are u talking about
They r playing on Georgia servers
Yes tf I do
Georgia servers r quite literally
Just not working
Haven’t for 3 days now
did the op say hes on georgia servers
Me and them spoke in general chat abt it
Along with a lot of other Georgia players who r also experiencing this
no way they didnt open a case about it

contact riot about it
We have
it is
i recently changed my hdd to an ssd on my laptop and my game loaded in so much faster
its nt
gerogia servers are bugging
i legit got stuck in the range loding screen
and idk if its jus me but i can hear the sound of when u first load into the game when u load into a match
its just happening to alot of people
annoying af i got a 1 day ban
yeah its been happing to me as well, its getting really annoying tbh, they need to fix this issue
For me it’s
All East and central servers
yeah im about to get banned for it and was hoping for a fix
yep just got a big penalty for it i thought it was getting better
youre right i usually play comp and servers other than georgia for other reasons and it loaded fine, only when i go on georgia servers does it suck
i’ve been looking for a fix for EVER and nothin worked. soooo riot lowkey gotta acknowledge this more