Here is a solution which helped my val update and playable again.

134 Replies
If the last 4 steps dont work:
1) Press the windows key.
2) Type "vgkbootstatus.dat
3) Right click the file and press "open file location"
4) Delete the file
5) restart your pc
6) check if your val is working
theres been like 7 of threads like these already
but many dont see them, so better to make more
60 posts of people mentioning the same problem 😄
guys just delete antivuris
i fix it like that
good for you
then u cant play
rito do you know where kinito is
no i play
k goodluck with malware
u can just disable ur antivirus for now
just dont do sus things
bro ur a legend
np man
Come on, someone help
Does anyone know
we are looking into this on our end.
OKay so
So how long will it take
? @Riot Schmick
fixes take as long as they take. we aren't psychic and can't tell ahead of time how long that will be.
Ok, thank you, I hope you solve it as soon as possible, take it easy 😂 @Riot Schmick
thanks you too
is this a new issue that came up or has it been a long occuring thing
it's new. that's why everyone just started talking about it today
to anyone who is still having this issue, can you please:
* open a player support ticket here:
* tell them you are having the "update stuck on 0%" issue
* tell them if you have any anti-virus installed
* tell them if you already tried disabling your anti-virus and that didn't fix the issue
* tell them if you saw "Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?" and whether you hit Yes or No.
* follow the instructions here to upload your logs with the Riot repair tool:
#84112843 @Riot Schmick
Ticket number
looks like most of the folks that have made tickets didn't upload logs at all, of those who did uploaded shooter game logs when i asked for Vanguard and Riot Client logs, which makes it less useful to us
my ticker number is #84136242
how do i delete a antivirus like avast
i assume you just run the uninstaller in windows
I did this and when ever I type in the vgc on command prompt it says that I don’t have any files for it and valorsnt keeps saying dependecy and restart
Mine dont work too ive tried every solution in here and yt still keeps saying we couldnt install a req dependency
i just deleted it thank
Yea I did eveything and it still says restart pc and dependecy
whats the best gun overall
just corious
Ive done everyyyyyy solution n it wont work
nice pfp
Did u delete your antivirus uet
Just happened yesterday
It happened for me to
I retasted 5 times
Ive disabled my anti virus tried the Pavian method on yt and tried this If the last 4 steps dont work:
1) Press the windows key.
2) Type "vgkbootstatus.dat
3) Right click the file and press "open file location"
4) Delete the file
5) restart your pc
6) check if your val is working

And alot more in community help
None of them workedd
And e girls method
And rito
if you have questions for me unrelated the issue in this thread, you can ask me in #general. let's not clutter it up for people who are looking for help
ok my fault
what will giving my ticket number to you do though
I cant even uninstall riot vanguard
ik how to fix this
I feel you. I can't even uninstall Vanguard because I uninstall and installed again the game (hoping the problem will be solved) so I will not find Vanguard in my PC's archive and I have the same problem: It can not install Vanguard
i was passing it along to the people that were looking at this issue so they can gather more info, but i dont need ticket numbers anymore, which is why i removed that direction from my post, but people keep sending them to me anyway
Nvm i just did the two steps and it told me to restart my pc
My valorant is working now
Thx ive been dying
What did u do
Im dying
I spent 5 hours tryna fix it yesterday
I disabled antivirus and got blue screened but it ended up working
How do u disable antivirus
Do you have avast anti virus?
Or anything like that
I think so is it organs
you can disable it in the windo tray
Bottom right
Is it orange
Yea its orange
Did urs say dependency
When u were stuck
My download was stuck at 0
Literaly 0
And then when i clicked on the window button it said it was stuck at 45
In riot client
So same as me
Try disable anitivirus
I restarted my pc 5 times and uninstalled
You might bluescreen though
And I’ll do that
i just recived emial from teeny weeny from valor tech team can you tell him that he good at job
idk if this the right channel mb mb
I think wrong channel 😭
Anyone knows if there is a problem using Windows 8.1 to play? I ask in case there's no support for that software yet or it doesn't matter.
Yo did it work
im on windows 11 and can’t find the vanguard stuff
Windows 8(.1) is out of support for VALORANT (same goes for 7)
You need to upgrade to Windows 10 or 11 to play VAL
I’m at work@ill@do@it when I get back
is the rito guy kinito
Well, I guess I will not play Valorant anymore, sadly. Thanks for solving my doubt
why cant you upgrade?
low end specs or
Is there no way to upgrade?
i feel like most pcs that can run val can prob run win 10
Windows 10 shouldn‘t really be much more demanding
and theres that tiny11 or smt i think if necessary
yes although you need to be careful
because vanguard on w11 needs tpm 2.0 and secure boot
many (older) low spec computers miss these features
oh yeah and that
am ma uninstall avast and see if it actually work or nah
i don't have antivirus and my windows defender is off. still stuck update

#84243922 @Riot Schmick
Ticket number
how do i ticket i tried this and didnt work
@Riot Schmick

i allready tried what it said on the support
where do i go for my specific problem?
you open a ticket. the link is right there
I cant take this lmao
take what?
I’ve been working at this for an hour
I’ve done everything I can
I cant update the game
then time to open a support ticket
i just linked it
That could take me another 2 hours
i'm not going to link it again
it will probably take longer than taht
but if you do nothing, then it will take even longer
im at the support screen

there is a button that says submit a ticket
found it
I clicked the windows key and typed that in and it sent me to a search engine
Omg I’m praying this fixes it
If not then
Support ticket it is
@realyeeter if it works pls help me
Its not letting me set up a ticket wth
its signing me in
puting me in the leage home page
It’s starting to update!!
alr help me
Ok so
Click ur windows key
Type in the vgkbootstatus.dat into the search bar
And the file should come up
Do u see it
If it keeps sending you to google or bing then just restart ur computer and try typing it in again
join vc so i know im doing it right @realyeeter
Ok 1 sec
you can mute up if you want
ima just screen share
Issok I can talk if you want
I need to load up discord on my computer tho
I’ll be 1 min
Which channel r u in
private chat
check requests
@Riot Schmick ty for the help, the vgkbootstatus.dat file being deleted saved my game!!
Ok it loaded the game and now my whole computer is
I restarted it AGAIN
it’s not frozen ima load into a swift play and see if it works

it didnt work 😭
Vanguard was blue screening my computer even when trying to uninstall
Let's hope this works
It's working!
Upadate: I managed to do the upgrade. It's all fine now. I can continue suffering in bronze. Thx everyone.
lol gl out there man

@Riot Schmick when i try to open support it comes up with an unknown error has occured, what do I do?
try doing it in an incognito browser window
i thought you were opening a ticket?
idk how 😭
im computer stupid i need step by steps
you go to this link and fill in the form
its not there
i signed in
verified my gmail
didnt send anytthing to my gmail or thing
@Riot Schmick
idk then, try again ig?
Does it work for windows 8.1?
idk, try it and see
I did and it did not work

My honest reaction
Well, I found a very optimized version of Windows 10 which actually worked for my toaster. I can share it to you but there's a small, very small issue: the guides in YT are in spanish xd
It's called WinterOS: Rev06
yeah i see that's video in youtube