Valorant error
i've had this error yesterday thinking that it was a problem only for me. I've uninstalled, vgc select automatic and updated valorant. yet nothing has worked. Is everyone having the same problem

75 Replies
i am in fact having the same issue
does this happen everytime?
this is my first time
i have this error
well, it never happened to me before
but i would assume its gonna get fixed sooner or later
me 2
Just gotta be a bit patient
looks like its a worldwide valorant bug
yeah it started happening yesterday
i've wasted my 30 mins on tuts to fix this
then i came on here realizing im not alone
i assume its something that the devs should work on or give a proper solution in order to fix the problem
@nnovelty try use WARP and tell me the result
im new so..whats that?
Error code: 59 | LoginQueueFetchTokenFailure
There seems to be an issue with the login queue. Go ahead and restart the Riot Client and check for any Support Site banners.
welp back to random steam games i go
looks like we are not the only ones
lol... i assume again that its an outage
Then my guess is the login queue is down for some people. Only option you have is to wait.
Power outage has to be the thing.
im kinda new in valorant
30? I think i spent 3 hours last 2 days
could anyone explain me why its called "bahrain"
i had no problem 2 days ago
Bahrain servers
Its a country
2 days ago it occurred yesterday worked until like 10pm then its back agaim
i know that, could i change it?
Where do u live
its like dns or vpn or something idk
its make ur internet stable
it fixed my issue when i was getting valo 57
saudi arabia
wont that cost?
Same 💀 i think its a regional issue
lmao where in saudi arabia
You can wait or try to make a support ticket to hopefully get more information.
well i live in jeddah too
What isp do u use
tf is isp?
Internet service provider
just give it a try ull not lose anything
it works for me
after game enter quit it
cuz it made my ping bit higher
someone found a solution yet?
@servivor is the problem solved yet
What about @nnovelty
Whats ur internet company
i think zain
I see
im having buffering problems now

alr its ok rn
@servivor does valorant work rn
for me it doesnt
It doesnt

Friend got this
so i have to fix my routers in order to play
Probably yes
my god
at this point, i dunno what to do
i have to depend upon my dad to fix the stuff
but my parents wont budge
is there any way like waiting?
Cant u just call them and ask for it
i cant, they basically dont know what games i play.
I dont think they ask for what game u play
U just tell them to reroute ur connection
they would interrogate
I see
i think the solution is to either wait
@servivor ngl valorant made me stay in touch with nature
this is kinda off topic but
i love arab nature and culture
It works now
i have the same error
it is working
@nnovelty Could you solve the problem? I have the same problem.
Just wait for ur isp to fix it i guess
what is isp?
Interner service provider
I already know what isp is
Are u high
U just asked what is isp
sorry, I just looked it up
Its fine
I have been trying to play all day.
Same it worked like 1 hour ago for me
speak spanish?
i think the best solution is to either wait
@joyaaxd it works for me now