VALORANT16mo ago

Free Coaching

I am hosting a free coaching event and would be interested to know if anyone was interested. i am top 700 peak immo3. Would anyone be interested?
26 Replies
garo16mo ago
i would like coaching if possable
Classy16mo ago
dm me
matt 🤫🧏
matt 🤫🧏16mo ago
Could u coach an iron 1
LacPlayz16mo ago
i am unranker level 12 - 13 i am new and would like some coaching
Wheatman16mo ago
@classyval can you check my post out after some advice
yeah maybe, but im only bronze
super16mo ago
I'm interested peak s3 currently s2 if possible itd be much appreciated if u could coach me
Classy16mo ago
pls dm me guys if you are interested theres gonna be prizes in this event where u can win coaching but for the criterias dm me also you might be featured in a youtube video
DARK16mo ago
you dont need coach just learn how to aim for any rank below gold- plat coaching is ineffective and will most likely lead to disadvantage if you don’t have basic in other aspect for example a lot of ppl in immortal / radiant will tell u to stop cruching and spraying and aim for headshot but as u don’t have anywhere near that type of aim in lower ranks it’s just better to aim for the body as u will be less likely to miss ur shoots and just to spray
Classy16mo ago
wrong he will build a bad habit from the start he should learn his mechanics right and not do step by step but more learn in a way that it wont fuck him later if u r iron u need to train ur aim only no movement nothing just train it on kovaaks aimlab and play dm too
DARK16mo ago
if he is iron 1 that means he has not even a clue how to aim and u want him to aim for the little head of ppl ? he won’t hit 1 shoot he would have to practice deathmatch for hours before he can finally hit 1hs and he definitely doesn’t want to do that as iron 1
Classy16mo ago
he shouldnt build bad habits he should aim train only and play dm once he feels good
DARK16mo ago
aiming for the body also train ur raw aim
Classy16mo ago
change sens probably get smth from the 0.2 to 0.4 800 dpi u dont get my point he has no mouse control no point in playing if u cant control ur sens u need to do that firsz
DARK16mo ago
definitely but i’m sure he wants to enjoy the game playing ranked rn not playing aimlab or deathmatch and if he is playing ranked with the idea that he has to only aim for the head without crouching he is never gonna hit any shoot and get so mad that will probably only stop playing valorant or start aiming for the body anyway
Classy16mo ago
he isnt gonna enjoy the game if he doesnt improve he will enjoy the game way more if he does one week of a lot of aim training and than he sees PROGRESS
DARK16mo ago
why wouldn’t he enjoy the game and he learns a lot by just playing he is totally new to the game i assume and aim is not the only thing i think in iron just knowing well all maps and what all agents do gives u a massive advantage as flaking in lower ranks is super effective
Classy16mo ago
but if he cant aim he will miss being behind them
DARK16mo ago
he is going against same skill level as them i dubit they gonna do a 180 and one tap him most likely they won’t even understand where he is but my main point is you might be right he needs definitely aim training but i think just playing will help him with aim in a fun way other than aimlab or deathmatch even if definitely with those he learns 5 time faster
Classy16mo ago
tbh he could have fun on aimlab or kovaaks just put some music vibe he can try tasks and do easy ones
DARK16mo ago
Classy16mo ago
just feel like it wont be fun for him if he missess all tagets
bingus 3000
bingus 300016mo ago
real npcs enjoy that type stuff 💀
mixu16mo ago
Yes please i suck at the game lol
Chovel16mo ago
i need coatching
Classy16mo ago
Dm you all