new to valorant and need some help
I’m new to pc, I decided to give valorant a shot and it kept crashing and saying This vesion of Vanguard requires secure boot to be enabled in order to play. See the Vanguard notitication center in the tray for more details

267 Replies
Troubleshooting the VAN9001 or VAN 9003 Error on Windows 11 | VALORANT
This article applies only to Windows 11 users.
About Secure Boot and TPM 2.0
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Secure Boot are security technologies that allow Windows 11 to boot programs using a ...
i tried doing an advanced restart but nothing happened, my computer restarted but nothing changed it just but me back into the lock screen no option came to change any settings in your pc's UEFI firmware. it didnt even give me a different screen just straight back into my lock screen after it restart.
Hold shift/maj key while clicking on restart on your computer. You should have access to some options. One of them is "reboot and access to uefi" something like that
Keep the key pressed until you see the message.
Still didn’t work

enter key management
refresh all of them
its not active
you can search it on youtube how to do it
i already said

@i_luv_the_weeknd its not like that we do look at youtube
riot is going to do something about this soon since too many people are having this issue
Windows 11 just revert back to 10
aint nobody reverting to windows 10 just for valorant 💀
you easily fix it too
download windows 10 from windows
what if i already am on widows
im on windows 10 pro
my pc isnt compatible for windows 11 how does this add up
do i gotta use a usb drive
wont work any other way?
u will also need rufus/ventoy
whats that
media creation tool
im kinda dumb when it comes to pc any way you can explain this in simple terms 😭
i genuinely dont understand one second i was playing val fine then the next idk
ughm actually u can just burn the iso file, u can do it that way without usb
just burn and run the setup.exe
burn the file?
as in my c drive
yes, right click the iso file after u downloaded it
reinstalling windows will wipe all the data on ur selected partition
so backup them to another drive/partition
how do i burn a file that is running my windows
mb if im bothering you with these questions im just dumb when it comes to windows
well, u don't really need to go back win10 if u have secure boot and tpm 2.0
most recent pc should have them
no no
just enable them properly
so the thing is
i am on windows 10…
which is weird i shouldnt be getting that notification
and im not even 100% my pc is compatible with windows 11
which error are u getting
tf u mean? TPM 2.0 is required to play on windows 11. It's not a bug or anything just enable it

Enable them then.
Go to your BIOS
im not on windows 11
my pc isnt compatible
for windows 11
im on windows 10 pro
Reinstall valorant?
Reinstall windows?
restarted windows
i would need a usb no?
usbs are cheap lmfao
yeah ik but gas isnt
Order one from amazon then idk
how much gb would i need
can u get to ur bios settings and show me?
cheap usb sucks
I said they're cheap
20mb/s sequence read lmao
Not get a cheap one
in a sec
what usb do you guys recommend
sandisk 64gb any good?
kingston kyson 64gb for myself
it's like 9 usd here
only like a dollar from 32gb so I just cope the 64gb
lemme show u speed if u wonder
yeah the sandisk one is 9$ for 32gb and extra dollar for 64


go to system
i only use them to keep my isos so its enough

whats inside mit

peripherals and chipset?

turn amd ftpm on
and go to trusted computing
show me
where do u see that?
enter maybe?
enabled it

save changes and exit
what after
just boot into ur os and start ur game
ill show you what happens after i load
quick question

everytime i enable secure boot
and i save and exist it takes me back to bios
any answer as to why
tpm worked. thank you
secure boot settings are at this page
cmd, diskpart,
list disk
show me that

where's ur os at?
disk 0 or 1
whats os
operating system
oh yeah i saw it from ur bios ss u sent earlier
its ur 250gb disk
i can swirch to my other one through bios no?
its at mbr format
my other disk is gpt
windows wont let u boot mbr disks using uefi
and ur secure boot only allows uefi
so id have to switch to my other drive
unfortunately that is not where ur os at
no u dont
what do i do then
go back to this page
back at it
what can u change for security options and storage boot option control?
for security options
system and setup
for storage it says legacy only or uefi only
and disabled.
u gotta disable csm
u cant have secure boot on while having csm on
the thing is
but that will make u cant boot into ur os
when i disable csm
u will need to reinstall windows
make ur os disk to gpt format
i would need a usb
id rather just switch to windows 11 if i have to reinstall windows
would that be possible with my build?
just use an iso instead
of the mct
ill guide u how to
whats an iso
at ur windows
win+r, winver
show me ss
ill need to know which edition of window u have
windows 10 pro

lemme send u in dm
though its a link from microsoft
do i download it?
if anyone wonder

noo all good
ill come back to you when the download is done
tell me when u done downloading it
says 17 min
yeah yeah
do u have any important data at ur 250gb disk?
save them to ur 1tb disk
if u have
no no nothing important besides like game files
i can always redownload those
but if u want to show me how to save them then thatll help
its not a must tho
just copy ur data and paste them to another drive/partition
for game files
just install them at ur 1tb disk
where would i go to do that?
file explorer 

will do 👍
all done @mythea
says dvd drive E
u burnt it right?
run the setup.exe
burnt what?
the iso
how do i burn the disk thats running my os
where did u download that iso to?
this pc
can u show me

yeah u already burnt it
run the setup.exe now
i am
says windows 10 setup
which do i choose
show me

i forgot smth
that maybe wont get u into the windows setup screen
that we wanted
eject that
press back?
instead, go to disk management
yes, close it and eject the dvd E:
right click ur windows icon btw
i did

ah wait
maybe u can
i recall that
same thing, burn that iso file
after that, go to settings-updates-recovery-advanced startup
how do i burn it
right click
the iso file
ik i did it before but that was completely on accident
"burn to dvd"
no, dont eject
doesnt give me an option to burn to dvd
pretty sure it already is
can u show me

k good
go here
after that, use usb device
i would need a usb?
took me here

advanced options or reset
advanced options
where to now
show me

maybe because u have csm enabled
the usb option didnt show up
i cant disable csm
wont run os
fyi we need to get to this thing

yeah if i disable csm it would be impossible to get to this
we need to format and convert ur disk to gpt there
get an usb then
u can also do that with the partition trick, but using an usb is the easiest way
yeah i think thats the only way
how long would that take
very quick if u know what u are doing
well 😭
do you know how?
shrink 10240mb from ur disk 1
the 1tb one
u done?
format the 10gb space to fat32 filesystem
well lemme tell everything u need to do
after that, get ur iso files into the 10gb volume, u can use that setup.exe rufus or ventoy whatever should work
i wasnt paying attention
then get to ur boot menu, boot into ur 1tb disk
u should see that windows setup thing
similar to this
is there anyway you can show me in vc or anything
no need to talk
are u going to play the game urgently
if not, i suggest u to get an usb
and do it through that way
thats much easier
it would be better this way for me but cuz my duo is on rn but if you suggest i get a usb then we can do that
alternatively u can try to use third party tools that can convert mbr to gpt disk without data loss

can you send me the link to this?
but i cant recommend them as they can have bugs or not doing it correctly(should still work but bring some risks
i already tried disk management and cmd both dont work
or they require a license
its wtv the most that goes wrong ill just buy a usb and reinstall windows
easeus requires license for those features iirc
like a state license?
u need to buy from them
and definitely doesnt worth it for just one issue
rather just buy a usb no?
yeah just get an usb
will do it in the morning
ill get same day delivery
anychance i can add you so when i get the usb you could help?
here still
ill read when im free
just ping me
so i get notifs
sounds good ty
who installed windows for u btw
why did he make ur os drive mbr and non os drive gpt and then use uefi mode with csm enabled
oh wait shit, just remind me that u can change it to legacy mode and disable csm
but still, if u wanna reinstall windows on a gpt disk(since uefi has more features and is faster than legacy bios
u can ask me
does anyone know how tio fix this ive done everything on yt tiktok and even reddit plus i restarted game client and pc im new btw

what website is that
ive reseted game client how do u guys reset it
cuz i may have not done it right
u can try: check game files integrity, start vgc manually
Error Codes in VALORANT
Something's gone awry in VALORANT? Not to worry. It's why we're here, after all. If you received an error code, chances are there's a number attached. Simply find your number to learn what it means...
done that.
what have u tried?
can u list them all
restart vanguard, restart riot client, delete and reinstall game, that vgc thing, and everything
wait wym
if i disable i cant load into os remember
u can boot mbr in legacy mode(microsoft windows restriction)
so u dont need csm anymore
would i be able to enable secure boot from there and actually load into os?
could you lead me through the steps plss
did u ensure that u have enough free ram for the game to init?
and also pagefile settings
also flush network cache
this page
storage option control to legacy
turn off csm
then enable secure boot
u may also need to refresh management keys
management keys?
do it first
management keys for secure boot
do i have to turn off csm first?
i changed storage boot option to legacy

now disable csm?

what do i do in keys
ignore it first
boot into windows
win+r. msinfo32
see if secure boot indicate as enabled
secure boot is enabled as of rn
if not, then u will need to refresh/set them
save and exist?
okay lemme see if i load into windows
took me back to bios
can u show ur bios settings rn?

did i mess something up?
looks like ur bios only has uefi mode and it uses csm to boot legacy bios things
bro my luck is just insane
so u still have to convert ur disk to gpt and reinstall windows
lets set this up first
rsetore to factory keys
save and exit
see if state "active" or not
keep secure boot on or off?
i dont see anything that says active or inactive
after u see secure boot state is on active, u can enable csm again
just for ease so u dont have to setup the management keys next time
under enabled/disabled
it says active
if i enable csm wont that take secure boot off
just to be sure

k good rn, u can turn csm on and boot into windows now
we will disable it once we reinstalled windows
oh i still have to reinstall windows?
when i enable csm and save exit it takes me back to bios
can u get into ur boot menu
select ur disk there
shows no disks
show me the bios tab
i think i have to disable secure boot first then enable csm bec this wont work
its just blank
says select disk but blank
this tab i mean
change storage boot options control back to uefi only
yup where it says boot option priorities its same thing as that pic
i think only reinstalling windows will work atp
whoever built this pc obviously had no idea what to do
now i have to deal with it smh
can u show me pic?
i turned off secure boot im in os now but its basically same thing as this pic .
where you said choose a drive there wasnt any to select
i restarted my pc and pressed f12 which is my boot options
also was blank
i can still convert my c drive to gpt after i reinstall windows tho right?
and also enable secure boot
i have seen people using uefi with csm to boot mbr disks lmao
actually uefi can boot both gpt and mbr disk
but thanks to microsoft dumb restriction, u can only boot windows on gpt disk with uefi or mbr disk with legacy
microsoft makes things so difficult and confusing
@morafn u got ur usb?
lemme tell what u need to do after u got it
use rufus, select the iso and ur usb, write to ur usb
go to ur bios boot menu, select the usb drive
u will see windows setup
click install now, advanced install
at the screen that let u to choose which partition to install at, SHIFT+F10
in cmd, type,
after it's done, close the cmd prompt
click refresh and select ur 250gb partition
and install
u can disable csm and enable secure boot after that
btw clean command will wipe the filesystem, to make sure that u dont have any important data on one of its partition, do
list part
, if u only see one partition there, then u can go without having worries
u can use format fs=NTFS quick
if don't wanna wait, this will not overwrite those previously existed data blockoders coming in today