I’m getting afk ban warnings because I can’t load into the match fast enough.

So I’m running the game on a like 8 year old laptop with not the best specs in the world, and in most swiftplay matches it takes me like 1.5 rounds to actually load in, so I got a warning that I’d be temp banned and later perma banned if it continues. Is there any way I can mess with settings or my system to load in faster, or should I just wait until I can buy a more powerful pc?
9 Replies
naiya15mo ago
unfortunately theres nothing u can do, unless maybe if u try lower graphics .etc so ur pc has less to load? not really anything else
AdventurousOP15mo ago
I already have all the graphics settings on the lowest option so ig I’ll just have to buy a better pc, thanks for replying though NeonAmazed
OsWaynZz15mo ago
@_adventurous contact the support pretty sure then can make something up for you
kamui15mo ago
this also happened with a friend of mine and they definitely do not have a shit pc think its something wrong with the game unsure though
OsWaynZz15mo ago
Yep the game have some problem but most of the time it come from the stockage you need to have a ssd to be sure to not have this problem
kamui15mo ago
yeah true one of my other friends alone make the loading time significantly longer because they dont have a ssd
AdventurousOP15mo ago
ok I’ll try that, ty
zzzzzzzzzzz15mo ago
@_adventurous what type of hard drive do you have, hdd or ssd?
AdventurousOP15mo ago
where do I check that?

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