i found a hacker in my game
he was in enemy team and i reported him but he didnt got banned he had wall hacks and not aim hacks he prefire every off-angle

39 Replies
he was account boosting and boost his friends too
he will get ban soon but if you got a rec you can send it to riot support
i can send you a youtube video i had streamer with me
if you want
since my pc is low specs i cant record
not me riot support xd
but yeah its okay
make a ticket, share the record, the name and the screen of the tracker so its easier for them
yea sadly im not from the support if i were i would have a riot gun buddy 🥲
@OsWaynZz shold i send full gameplay? or not full
like you want
i was that chamber in front he just 1 tap prefire me in that off-angle
i prefire that aswell xd
you can send the full video if you want its easier
just cause he prefired you doesnt mean hes hacking
@cooldude80 with those stats i think he got something
not like that bro
man was prefiring all spots
watch this
those clip are okay trough but his stats are just too sus
if you watched my pov youu would have said his hacker
buut this streamer didnt died much from him
all those lobby are asc immo

and radiant rank peak
and he was boosting players and that id too
prev act

can be a bought account, and his clip are legit, but the fact his stats are so high either immo 3 smurfing in diams and its happen sometime, either he is closet
he cant be immo 3
in his game enemy player who are immo 3 and radiant are surr
the streamer i showed was immo 1 and we had immo 3 too in our team
the sage is what ?
our team sage was immo peak
idk why but i want to say your in na
nah im not
im from asia server
sheesh, sorry to say that but this guy could be easily an immo where your sage look like a low diams, high plat if we are cool with him
he was playing for fun
we were playing for fun till a hacker came
that dont work
fun or not, bad crosshair, and too many bad shot, bad positionning too
i have the same guy vs and with me and im low plat, most of them are diams but bad diams
Mr Snakeye
top clean insane aimbot conqueror radiant level moments ..XD #sho...
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highlight and game arent the same, he choose his insane clip
yup he dont play that good tho
i have good aim and our team had he just plays for clips
to upload on yt
but i play serious for ranking up
our whole team was immo
looks like that hacker was just boosting a account for money

Boosting is so stupid because as soon as the account creator goes back to playing, they're just going to do terribly and derank due to playing against higher skilled players.
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