any tips for a silver 2?
I just started playing the game 3 weeks ago and I’m silver 2 rn. I don’t know much about the game so you mind giving me some tips? It would mean a lot and every little bit helps
8 Replies
i would give tips but im unranked
1. Watching some skilled streamers 2.Range (a lot) 3.Have a routine every day (like practicing yk) and also deatmatches are very good for angles and others!!!
Aim head level, stay far away from the object u are peeking from, clear one corner before peeking the rest of the area, communicate with your teammates, aim practice routine, highly recommend aimlabs
aim routines are overrated
get into range, make sure to warm up your hand, play a DM or 2 and go ranked
peaked imm1 with that method
warming up is overrated
peaked im2 1.5k with that method
both of those are overrated
peaked iron 3 with my method
ort aim lab
Thanks guys
Wow so high