Is having multiple accounts against riots TOS?

so, im really close to getting into ascendant, but i also really want the dia buddy. can i create a seccond acount for the sole sake of grinding until the act is over?
9 Replies
omar walid
omar walid15mo ago
ig it will be like a smurf account and Smurfing is against valo rules so yeah ig
tonnyhawkramosOP15mo ago
imma try reaching the placements if its wayy too afar ill not play bc i dont want to get shit on by golds would be the biggest humiliation ever
zzzzzzzzzzz15mo ago
cant you just do unrated
tonnyhawkramosOP15mo ago
unrated doesnt really have mmr and since im in a team in kinda required not to be shit
zzzzzzzzzzz15mo ago
doesnt it? when theres an asc on my team theres always one on the other
tonnyhawkramosOP15mo ago
in unrated you dont get punished for the dumb shit you do so you start playing worse man im so tempted
zzzzzzzzzzz15mo ago
ig just make another account its not against tos so many people do if it was against tos they would have been banned
Henry From Britain
so in unrated there still is hidden MMR (I'm pretty sure) so as long as you play on the account yourself and you don't intentionally do bad on purpose to get a low rank you should be fine because you'll be getting to diamond legitimately.
supz1e15mo ago
Man I have 6 valorant accounts 3 in gold 1 and 3 unranked Its not against tos Just make a account and destroy the noobs

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