Val 59
i get this error now when i tried to use a korean acc from my friend cuz he said when i play on koreans servers ill get good ping but when im opening the game it says error code val 59
9 Replies
yeup i get that too, must be you HAVE to have a korean ip yk live in korea

oof cuz before this i have already tried connecting to eu servers without vpn works perfectly fine
also change your status bro
mods get onto it fast asf
oh ye lol
also is using vpn gonna work when i tried joining other regions?
yea korea probs have their own laws, i can only guess this. ive never tried logging in korea before. but korea have their own region for valorant so i guess would make sense
so theres no way to connect to korean server when ur from Asia pacific region?
nah bro i been banned for it before in valorant eu disc server, i never said a thing to anyone about it but they still ban this must be the same they both disc servers say the same in their rules about it
for real xD
Oh okay thnks for answering my questions rlly helped
but hey maybe this server is nicer and actually isnt like that