iron 2

my kd has been above 1 the past few matches, but i got placed in iron 2 bc of shit teammates i wanna get better at aiming so i can have more impact on my team SO should i use voltaic x woohoojin or should i use the one month to gold keep in mind i have a 39 % hs rate so idk what im doing wrong aim wise
23 Replies
mi ledy
mi ledy14mo ago
well first of all it is not about aim but more about movement cause how you move impacts yours aim so you should learn how to move properly also if you gonna have only aim you will lack of other things such as gamesense, itself movement etc best way to learn how to play game and i bet youve heard this 100 times but you need to understand what it is going on inside the game etc aim itself wont get you to immortal
blizzardOP14mo ago
ye i strafe
bepzo14mo ago
i have a 1.46 kd in bronze ur not the only one
blizzardOP14mo ago
good to hear my ego is at the pits rn
bepzo14mo ago
but ur headshot % is way better then mine
sb14mo ago
both voltaic x woohoojin is FOR the one month to gold but remember its not one montht to gold anymore he changed it its how to hit gold 100% but only if you put the effort into trying to improve and how much time you allocated into doing that
chaotic14mo ago
honestly i would say just make a new account, i was stuck in iron 3 for like a whole year and finally gave up and went through the effort to make a new account and i got placed bronze 2 and within three games i was silver 1
zzzzzzzzzzz14mo ago
one month to gold
Milk!14mo ago
tbh if ur iron its not your teams fault. i recommend just practicing strafing in the range while shooting the bots on medium dif before getting in a match. i feel like u havent put in that many hours in the game so just keep playing (ranked) and eventually youll get better wit ur hours
globgogagalab14mo ago
stop opening threads about not climbing lmao
Goku14mo ago
Please buddy, posts like "i deserve a better rank and I'm stuck in iron because my teammates suck" are here everyday. You guys are not getting placed in IRON because your teammates are bad neither does the fact that you had a positive kd change much. If you're in a X rank it's because you deserve it. You got placed in Iron because the game decided you deserve iron If you get placed in Iron and you think you have good aim, then you're lacking something else. You rank up when you stop complaining that your teammates are shit and try to improve yourself instead. Perhaps show tracker?
bepzo14mo ago
No description
OsWaynZz14mo ago
@theultimatepumpkin is good, he is making post since 1 month about ranking up but there is no one helping me, everyone spam the channel so he create a new one but people are doing the same, even trough i am still waiting for his vods <:Gekko_Wingman_Gun:1154719016733114409>
Goku14mo ago
How do you know that he's good
OsWaynZz14mo ago
good not like in game, good like he have respect for his teamate, he litteraly ask how to carry more and try to fix his mechanic
blizzardOP14mo ago
im getting outplayed dont worry
OsWaynZz14mo ago
Dont forget me <:Phoenix_Sad:891497548819337286>
blizzardOP14mo ago
i wont
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi14mo ago
bro @theultimatepumpkin youve made so many tickets about the same thing the answer is always the same watch guides do warmup blah blah blah you havent even taken the time to put the tips to use and your already asking for more kd doesnt mean anything if you have no impact your teammates arent the core of every problem you wont get better if you keep avoiding acocuntability I get your trying to get better but blaming your teammates wont do anything
citywok14mo ago
honestly in ranks like iron and stuff people are negligent of their own game sense and only focus on aim, however there are players that are way worse that do not deserve to be in the same rank
sb14mo ago
ngl in iron, ur just not shooting back correctly, thats it. not about gamesense or anything. gamesense and thinking about the game only come after you are good enough to consistently win most of your gunfights cleanly
Seong Gi-hun
Seong Gi-hun14mo ago
"should i use voltaic x woohoojin or should i use the one month to gold" why not both?

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