coach/vod review
I always feel like im doing something wrong or sometimes I feel like I can achieve so much more but there's something holding me back, I wan't a coach or someone with a higher level than me to tell me what's wrong and what can I do to improve, but i dont really have money for it. what should i do?
26 Replies
Whatβs ur rank
been hardstuck silver since like
episode 2
Can u send a vod?
but this week i tried grinding again
hold on
Send it in DMs
like a whole game or just some clips?
A whole game it needs to be so I can review the raw gameplay
i dont really have a whole game but
ill try recording
It doesnβt need to be anything special just needs to have at least one game of your raw gameplay
ill try recording tonight
For sure
Send me too !
@kxrenai @daxterity is it alright if its not a full game
of unra/compe
one full game is like
30 gb
what are some other game modes i can play?
You can upload it somewhere else
Like a gdrive
Or streamable
i can stream if you want
Stick to comp
ill just record the whole comp game?
U can upload it to yt then send a link
Or me and @kxrenai can double coach you and go in a disc call
Iβm abt to sleep lolol
alright alright
how about tom
what time should we do it?
might wanna dm them or ping them
i doubt they are checking this rn lol