VALORANT16mo ago

how can I get better at phoenix

I played phoenix for a while and I want to get better at his utilities
17 Replies
aj16mo ago
learn how to not blind yourself when using flashes and use molly not for healing but to get people off some corner if you know they are there or thats where they usually hide in site and stuff and learn how to use wall to create a perfect flash zone watch woohoojin's video about it titled Flashes are unstoppable when you know this otherwise phoenix is a really simple agent and just remember to use flashes dont use it when you dont know if an enemy is there just jiggle it or jump spot if there is an enemy there then just flash below high diamond i dont think anyone can dodge phoenix flash
Dez1redOP16mo ago
chopinocturne16mo ago
yeah but then again smurfs
Gold16mo ago
OsWaynZz16mo ago
@amogusy not that many people are smurf and actually many player below diams can dodge phoenix flash, i can dodge every flash exept breach flash it depend 😅
chopinocturne16mo ago
true. i was about to rank up to gold then i met a team full of ascendants ascendant smurfs* how many ranks below dia tho ive never seen a gold player dodge it
OsWaynZz16mo ago
low plat i was already dodging it when i started the game i was silver
Gold16mo ago
Smurfs exist obviously and it's inevitable you will run into them, but there really isn't as many as you think. Sometimes, people just have good games Also, anybody below diamond is unlikely to dodge a correctly thrown Pheonix flash, and if they do, they don't have the skill to accurately put their crosshair back onto your head.
chopinocturne16mo ago
ive even met someone with a 70 percent hs and 100 percent winrate he was literally at a silver/gold lobby the one game i play with no smurfs is the one where 1~2 people afk in my team nice flex but no one (except for you ig) is good enough to dodge a phoenix flash at silver
Gold16mo ago
Val does a good job of quickly ranking smurfs up if they actually try like that. You got unlucky it seems and caught them before they had ranked up
chopinocturne16mo ago
yeah i have a problem with that sh and 5 stacking
Gold16mo ago
Ohhh, yeah if you 5 stack you're gonna run I to more as well Because people are carrying their friends and shit
OsWaynZz16mo ago
maybe then i have the lobby the guy i met are good to dodge flash 🤷‍♂️
Gold16mo ago
What's your current rank because even in Diamond, many people are not able to even dodge Kayo flash which is relatively a very easy flash to dodge
OsWaynZz16mo ago
@amogusy never 5 stack, smurf most of the game, and you can found cheater where in SoloQ, DuoQ, TrioQ if you found 1 cheater in the years you really dont have luck nah your joking Are you in Eu ? maybe its just in eu we got good reflex ? like most people in my game can dodge kayo flash and im only G3/P1
Gold16mo ago
It's also not just about reaction time. It's reaction time, and game sense. Being able to weigh the probabilities of whether they will peak just before their flash pops in case you do dodge it, whether you are even able to think of the idea to dodge it. Etc. In gold/plat, many don't dodge it because they know they won't be able to put their crosshair back by the time you peak, so resort to just spraying instead
OsWaynZz16mo ago
nah i just talk about dodge it, it depend on the game some are able dodge it and put their crosshair back on the head and make the kills some dont depend

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