Give me all the training routines that work and warmups
my hs percentage
i can also show clips of me playing

298 Replies
Ok 2 things:
1. Get a duo or a 3 stack if you really think its not your fault.
2. It likey isn;t your teammates fault. Think about it this way- the only constant variable in any of your games is you AND since matchmaking is random it is statistically unlikely that you happen to end up with all the throwers and the enemy ends up with the try hards. If your team has throwers, chances are there team does too. Thinking that it's your teammates fault can only hurt your mental, just focus on controlled what you can control and improve yourself.
3 matches in a row someone afks
For like 3 rounds
Im legit solo carrying
Im gekko planting spike and getting almost top frag while my duelists are bottom frags
your hs% doesn't really say anything
and 14% isn't that crazy either
maybe show your overall stats
hs% should be atleast 20% body 50% leg 0%
first that doesnt sbow anything
second read this
On weapon yes not overall
@xortoz give us the weapon hs not the overall, you can have 14 hs overall in radiant it mean nothing

Look at this you are just unlucky it happens

Stcuk in bronze 1 for 2 acts
Deranks to iron 2 6 times
Ill see if i can post a vid of my games
@xortoz okay your hs is basic in bronze, do you have a gameplay to show us ? In ranked would be better even better if your bad on it
i need nitroo
upload to yt
nitro aint gonna let u upload a whole 30min vod
work on ur crosshair placement and discipline
off the bat the percentages r a sign of low elo, you probs insta spray and drag ur crosshair on the floor
12% hs is wild
ur new stats r worse than what u showed earlier

ur team isnt the problem, im not necessarily sayin u r either
but u need to improve
dm me for a vod review
can you send his tracker here also ?
Yea buddy your teammates aren't really the problem
Sure you do topfrag and do better than your teammates at times but unless you can consistently keep that up every single game, you can't blame it all on your teammates
Your teammates would've been the problem if you were mvp every single game but you don't really have the right to complain that your teammates are shit when

when at times you're that teammate yourself
your performance isn't consistent at all, you get match mvp for 3 games then you're back to the bottom of the table for the next 3 - 5 games
you are not consistent, you change everytime of agent, you do too much ranked to be good every time, max you should do is 3 ranked by day no more, so for me you look like a bronze
Valorant Tracker
4BE#1234's Competitive Multiplayer Overview - Valorant Tracker
View 4BE#1234's Valorant overview statistics and how they perform.
also your mvp is just being at 1.1 kd or 1.5 so its not a big mvp, you should almost have this score every game, if you want good teamate do duoQ or trioQ or be igl

yea you definitely cant blame your teammates bud
4-13 in bronze and iron is crazyy
2-14 is worse LOL
Ong if u wanna improve, dm me about a vod review @xortoz
Play reyna
@bambo4782 just look his tracker he is already olaying reyna also reynz dont make you good
I dont like reyna
I play for fun dont really care about winratr
Try looking into my more recent matches hahah

That was before i was using aim trainers
The last few matches were played with a team <:val_KEKW:735920430690467852>
same thing
7/18 with gekko wnd u lost 11-13
still pretty bad...
and inconsistent
Oh ok
So if i want to get out of bronze i must top frag every game right
Btw vandal hs% not 23%
So should i play duelist more often?
Because it just isnt my type
duelists have the abilities that can help u to win more gunfights
not really
it's about impacts to the game
I do
I help get team onto site and plant spike
going 7/18 is not related to the agent u choose
Bro it was a bad day
yes but u said ur teammates are the problem
I think they are just not using util and for duelist getting frags
I dont rly hunt for kills and stay with the team as support
find other ways
also I don't think bronze knows what's "entry"
No one does
Alot of my team also insta crouch at far distance and clearing angles while walking
Im consistently getting around 15 kills and a hs% of 23, shouldent that be enough to get me to at least silver?
Last 2 pictures
stats like that dont matter
Same act
the teammates you're complaining about are having a bad day too ¯(ツ)/¯
Its not even that good

My updated stats
Still 14-20% hs are like literally at the lowest end i havent seen that besides from new players who just started to play like come on
You are cooked
Hs 20 % Body 50% 0% Leg. WHO IS YOUR MATH TEACHER BRO <:val_KEKW:735920430690467852>
Its mostly aim.
I can understand how youre feeling cuz i felt that too.
Basically, go to youtube and search up "aim routine to gold". There will be one with the streamer named Woohoojin. He has great aim routines but dont only look at his. Look at others as well. Now combine of all that and do at least a dedicated 30 minutes of aim training. I actually did it for a few weeks and it worked perfectly enough to get me to Silver.
-> Go to range and practice overaim X deadzoning on bots in practice mode.
-> Overaim x deadzone against easy medium and hard bots with either a sheriff or a guardian. Must only fire 1 bullet as to keep accuracy pressure. Dont move onto the next difficulty till youve done the goal at least twice. This is kinda of like counterstrafing but it isnt.
-> Do both Plant and defuse spike on hard mode with a sheriff only.
-> Go and do at least 2-3 deathmatches. First 5 kills are guardian/sheriff restricted only. Practice crosshair placement and movement.
-> Do a TDM or Swiftplay then do ranked.
This was my routine to silver. Of course getting to gold is part of this step, just got a bit rusty due to not being able to practice this.
nah if you're hardstuck bronze for 3 acts then it's definitely not just aim but overall gameplay
Nah man my aim is trash for my rank and i can still carry games with communication and positioning its not just aim
1st Sheriff only is kind of stupid either train with the guns you use or dont train at all. 2nd Swiftplay and TDMs do not prepare you for ranked cause ranked is far more straining for the nerves on the average person cause it gives you a feeling of it mattering thus you care about it and tilt easily
I would recommend just trying to play for fun and not taking it too serious and over time you will probably rank up
not really, i was iron three last act and i have a 71 % headshot rate with vandal
headshot rate does not matter from this stat
no need to deadzone before plat in my opinion, im doing whjs old month to gold vid, the over aim plus movement/strafe is enough, deadzoning will just complicate things
I want a proof

how do i upload medal clips
@theultimatepumpkin you got a button on the app, its give you a link you copy past it
How much game?
how do you check
@theultimatepumpkin should be on the first page
how many kills tho
also thats 11 kills with 33% hs
Ik I got 43%
Fair lmao, honestly I just don’t bother dead zoning :p
Eh it calms my nerves enough so I’m vibing
No one comms in sg servers
what rank are u
Im bronxe 2 rn
that's why
ppl in low rank either give shit comms or not even comms at all
Thats why i need to play duos or trios
Or even a 5 stack
But imma use the routine first
try duos or trios first
5 stack is hard if yall don't have good communication
idk i aced and that was it
Their games could have crashed or it didnt load in
Its just a pain
Having afk teamates
wdym you aced and thats it
thats just a gun
@pl1xx_ that because hs on gun is what you want to see but we also need to know how much kill for how much game
i lost while 5 stacking
raze was bottom frag
And the last 30%???
30% leg is wild
Surely the reason why you lost is because your raze was bottomfragging two games in a row. Right?

At this point you're just on hard copium bro. Trust me. The moment you stop complaining that your teammates are shit and just focus on your own gameplay is when you will reach silver
damn yeah
@xortoz i offered u coaching multiple times and ur too busy complaining about team mates when they are not the reason ur losing
i am about to retract the offer cuz u clearly dont care
u better do keep higher elo away from these kinds of players.
low elo playwrs dont want to climb
they just want to be told that they deserver a higher rank
Offering coaching and vod reviews to low elo is pointless. Anyone under gold can rank up if they really cared. I usually charge low elo like $1 or something for a session so that it shows me they are actually committed to improving
Fair enough, ive seen some that r determined but then there r some like this dude
33 with ghost
if ur name is no araxys vandal i also need to get out of bronze one and i have araxys vandal
Everyone has bad games (my recent comp games) but you shouldn't blame your teamates, cause sometimes that's you. Your teamates are having bad games, and shit talking them and saying they're the problem will get you no where.

Well since yesterday i have started wohojins aim routine
Is there another aim routine to train my microflicks?
Imma be back in 1 month
16 feb
all my games are bad
ur not gonna play for a month?
I mean ill be back
To this thread
Or create a new one
If i do create a new one i hope its title something like "hardstuck in gold or something"
its always in dm some aim demon silver dominates, gets on my team in ranked, bottom frags
impact > fragging
well not really tbh in iron

I am solo and I want a team
Can't play with random bullshits
DM me if anyone wants to play together
i feel u man
i feel u man
How about not fucking caring for aim in the first place its not as useful as you think it is try using your brain and positioning first while playing cause low elo players are usually just stupid and commit bad gunfights
can you honestly coach me
Im legit bronze
Whats your hs percentage
On vandal
bronze is top 80%
pretty good
my overall headshot is 44
better than top 100%
Its better than me
because i want you to coach me
Your gold <:val_KEKW:735920430690467852>
my overall headshot
and im iron 2
teach me xortoz pls
im iron 1 and 3% hs
we bag
Do u crouch spray
we nade coahign
i only shoot while crouching
pls coach me
Ok so aim where you think the enemies head is gonna be
And aim higher
can you demonstrate??
I aint on rn tho
like this?
Medal - ⭐️ Clip up to 4K 240 fps for free!
Untitled - Clipped with
18 Views. Watch Untitled and millions of other Valorant videos on Medal, the #1 Game Clip Platform.
why are they peeking you one by one 😦
That is not the movements for an iron 1
Nor the aim
thats not my clip
this is my gameplay
this is my gameplay
Medal - ⭐️ Clip up to 4K 240 fps for free!
THE WHIFFS - Clipped with
Watch THE WHIFFS and millions of other Valorant videos on Medal, the largest Game Clip Platform.
This and ur silver 1

I think u need more gamesense
i throw
Aim isnt everything
and i dont play valorant anymore
im just like a coach/manager for premier teams now
i am bad too
U were online 21h ago?
we are bad
i have 3% hs what i do
didnt play
just sorting things out with the team im coaching
what i do if i have no hs or gamesense
or aim
i have 5% headshot
i have 3 tho
Thats not silver lobbies
i know
im iron
2 rr?
these are the only headshots i hit in my whole life
Medal - ⭐️ Clip up to 4K 240 fps for free!
clean shots - Clipped with
Watch clean shots and millions of other Valorant videos on Medal, the largest Game Clip Platform.
yeah i did a typo
im iron 1 2 rr
Yoo nice clip
im iron 2 15 rr
No ur silver 1
wow you guys wanna q?
my region is north korea 2
at the end of this
it looks like i have aimbot
Medal - ⭐️ Clip up to 4K 240 fps for free!
classic for the clutch - Clipped with
24 Views. Watch classic for the clutch and millions of other Valorant videos on Medal, the #1 Game Clip Platform.
my region is zootopia
Zootopia means china
im in
Ur in china?
yea im down to play chinese valorant
Ur server
my server
I found ur profile?
pls do u give free claching
bronze is my dream

thats not me
Thats killua
but i need coaching
im ur only pupil
What i do is aim at what i think is gonna be head level then aim a lottle higher
Then when i shoot if i miss i crouch
And it becomes head level
thats not
thats too hard
ill never get out if iron 😦
so you can teach me
Cant rn
Have sch
i get 0 kills every game tho
are you in
primary school
how do you have school
any advice guys to get to iron 2?
my school starts in 1-2 weeks
i am 14
How tf
1v1 me
iron 2 vs iron 1
Its january
how will that get me to iron 1
im in
if im already iron 1
Im in asia
NA 🔛 🔝
how am i gonna hit iron 2 😦
dont coach them asia bronze is easy
but i want na bronze
i coach
im iron 2
so i know how to get to iron 2
finally ill hit my dream rank
why were u still walk lurking when ur team had already got the site
as a jett
I was on defence
Not attack
im iron 3 i lied
im iron 2
L im iron 3
ill teach u later
from what ive seen u need a lot to lwarn
no recording of it sad

buddy just because you performed well in a single game doesn't mean you can blane your teammates
Look at the red carpet, the only thing holding yourself down is you 💀
uninstall tracker if you want to rank up
That deathmatch bud
And im just pointing out that my training routine is goid
I dont see you winning a lot of deathmatches bud

ur epic
unlucky mate, i got instant radiant once my team stopped trolling
i don't play to win, i usually play with frenzy or outlaw
i use dm to warm up
i don't warmup using deathmatch either
Good good
But it's just honest advice to stop blaming teammates cuz that's not gonna get you anywhere
ye ill just do wohojin gold in 1 month routine
Even if they're doing bad, blaming them only makes it worse, surely you know that too whenever you were underperforming
well my aim has been pretty consistent
Even if none of them have mics, try to comm yourself and try to lead the game if you can
You'll still have bad days regardless
stop blaming teammates and just try to improve your own skills and tada you're gold
Ace previous round

only got 21
i got 31 kills
top frag
Nice ace
you didn't even see the ace 😂
Woohoojin gold in one month routine, just do that
ur rank is gold 💀
looks like ur either aiming low or ur insta crouching
wherever u are, whatever ur holding, try to find and estimate the head level so u train urself to have better crosshair placement, then you minimize your mouse movement on the Y (up and down) plane and focus more on the X (left and right) plane
No it’s not
Didn’t need to 😂😂
i didnt clip it nooooo
downloaded medal just in case vt dont work
i usually aim slitly above where i think the ememies head is cuz i always get body shots
with that i can hit heads
if i hit above them then ill just crouch
how tf did aiming above their head work
cuz i think i am aiming at their head but its their body
i have shit visualisation
if its too hihg i just crouch
its at their head
cuz u are still in a low elo lobby
ur performance is only one of the factor that affects rr u will be getting, ur current lobby mmr/elo will also be considered
if u keep on topfragging games, u will be placed to a higher mmr than ur rank average, at there u lose significantly less rrs and win more rrs, especially when out performing topfragging
its easier to headshot on ipad
bro shut up, stop advertising ur ipad
non binary: statment overturned
no one asked
also thats sarcasm to the usa not being able to find out their genders
there are 2 genders
This u rn
i love narwhal io
i have a wamrup for you
this is my recent matches
gimme tips i need to improve on
except aim cuz im alrdy aim training
you renamed the thing
you wanted to get training routines
Like what is the routine
ill show you later
well im not a viper main 🙂
once spike is down its gg if i have lineups
why no
my one better

good moove 3:13
Ye ik
I just posted it so yall would tell me what i am lacking
Except aim ofc
I dony have specturm phantom
dont peek with "w" try only to peek using "a" and "d", strafe between ur shots ( its really good) and if its possible dont take out ur util in open space where somebody can peek u.
Dont rush ur shots especially when ure behind somebody just take that extra second to land headshot.
U need to clear angles, its really important especially in lower elo because people tend to camp A LOT. Every time u peek something always think that theres somebody and be ready to fight.
Dont take out ur knife that often its a bad habbit
Crosshair discipline - basically dont make ur crosshair fly everywhere keep it next to a wall where enemy can peek u. Make sure ur crosshair is everytime at headshot lvl. I mean ure good with it as for bronze but keep it in mind
For positioning u can try to play with ur teammates more so u can trade them and throw ur util because ure an iniciator and thats kind of ur job
Dont peek multiple angles at once, if u have util then use it
thats the main things i saw for defense
Ifk how to stafe
After i shoot i try to strafe but i get hit and stunned
i mean
just burst with vandal like 2-3 bullets and then move to left/right and repeat
if u get stunned
just fall back
if ure inta crouching ure committing to a fight
and in lower ranks crouching is bad because their crosshair level is lower than it should be so if u crouch they may insta headshot u
QD u mean
Ist it a and d
you dont need high HS percentage lol
my HS is 15% to 30 only
mostly around the 10-20 range lol
Azerty and qwerty
this happend hehahahah

idk who was hacking
but he suck
maybe a closet hacker or someone with a third party
nobody was like hitting heads
ye maybe
there is other hack than aimbot
@xortoz yeah, aimlock, spinbot also there is many

SAME but baguette