Constant FPS spikes
I got I9-9900K 3070ti 32gb it average on 350 frames but the game keep getting fps spikes its unplayable.
33 Replies
I tried playing without browser open didn't fix, fresh install fixed the game for couple of days but the issue returned now
W pc setup but yea Valorant can have some optimisation issues here and there
low settings can help but honestly idk
I tried lowering everything to roblox graphics but thats also not the problem
its something related to the game idk
CPU and gpu is always 20% and under on task manager
I tried to limit FPS to 144 but still getting spikes
I ain't valorant's fault
Update your 3070 ti's drivers by going to the Nvidia downloads page
See if there are any windows updates
It is valorant's fault
Worst game launcher ever
Driver updated
I don't experience any fps spikes
Same with many people
I know bro but every device is different and the game treats them differently
they can optimize the game further
My pc is less powerful than yours lmao
yeah thats the problem
my pc runs all games smoothly
They spent years developing the game
It's already optimized well
How else can they optimize it further?
Code and graphics can always be further optimized
Also riot client doesn't have files verifying like steam does that feature usually solve 99% of problems
Yes they do
They have a repair riot client feature
Idk what that button does but it probably looks for latest version and if it is the latest it just says its okay
It finishes the checking in like 0.1 second
steam literally checks all game files depends on the size it might take like 3-10 min
If you don't like riot client then you can try epic games lancher
Valorsnt is available on epic games launcher
Sure I will try epic
just because you dont it doesnt mean its not happening
im having the exact same issue, plus the game appears that its taking +2TB of of my memory and wont let me uninstall it
try using windowed fullscreen tho
it helps a little with the random fps spikes
you could also go into task manager then go to details when the game is running look for Valorant-WIN64 what ever right click it change its priority to high or above normal real time can maybe damage your pc
Epic games is literally just a shortcut to downloading riot client
everything else is handled by riot
dont expirience the lag spikes'
i run games much heavier than valorant at 300fps
it makes no sense for it to have lag spikes
what are the heavier games you run?
bro how much riot gave you
optimization problems happen to a lot of games instead of acting like it doesnt exist just tell them to solve it
thats not how it works my guy
every device is different
some may get affected heavier than others
even if its a stronger device
some pc builds just have worse optimization
like the game doesnt use the full performance of the components
Pretty sure you have no brain cells to lose
This message alone is enough to show that you have no knowledge on how optimization work at all
Instead of just continuing to be wrong just chill and leave
If you know a lot about optimization then explain how it works
im not spending my time reading all of these messages so dont get mad if they already suggested this but update ur graphics drivers if they havent
I'm no expert by any means I just know that your statement about it is just flat out wrong
You don't have to read it as its not related to you and I already did update my drivers
cap your fps 10 frames above ur monitors refresh rate
I put the game on windowed fullscreen + high piority on task manager + fresh install
+ capped frames on 144
go read on games optimization and how it affects different computers and then go back cuz I can't teach that to you
I found the solution, going from 1000 report rate to 500 highly reduced the lag

"Valorant's fault"
I know its useless talking to you but I will do it out of pity, Logitech mouses are one of the most common mouses in pc gaming
I'm using G502 lightspeed which is pretty famous too
I played around 200 games with this mouse on 1000 report rate and had no problem even with valorant
I play valorant since beta and reached ascendant 3 and guess what, I never had any problems with the game
But they released an update that ruined 1000 rate mouses