is it normal to get bad games sometimes

i usually top frag or mid frag with a very positive kd but sometimes i just go 4/17 and its like impossible to get a frag
5 Replies
Xortoz7mo ago
Thats called having a bad day
saint7mo ago
yeah its normal but if u want less games like these then take a longer break because most od the time after like 2 games u lose focus and wont do as well ( ofc it depends on a person but still )
no like i played about 5 matches with my friends that dau day in the first 4 i was positive kd and mid to top frag but on the 5th i was going 4/17 like suddenly so idek why cuz getting tilted is a slow process not like 1 game ur doing good and the next game u doing ass tilting takes bout 3 games i think (imo)
saint7mo ago
ur playstyle and tactics wont work for every game so mabye just in some lobbys u just need to play different or something i have the same like, from 30/13 game i can go double negative in next one with the same mental i had
oh ight thx