stuck on loading screen
Everytime i launch valorant, i am stuck on a black screen while the background music is playing, please help, i tried everything including factory reseting my pc
53 Replies
Have tried completely wiping the Valorant save?
and redownloading it
Not sure then? Is your monitor capable of running the graphics at that refresh rate that it is set to? I presume so?
i used to play valorant on the exact monitor 2 weeks ago
Not sure then
Hello @leg1tval, Sorry that you're experiencing this issue. I will be trying to help you today with fixing the issue you're experiencing 🙂
Please follow the information I have left below. This may help with fixing your issue, If not please ping me and let me know for further assistance. Goodluck!
thank you, i will try it out rn
@Deleted User 7dg36792 what about windows 11
still windows 8?
Select the latest version you see.
If you see windows 11 select it.
If you don't. select 8
@Deleted User 7dg36792 , i don't find riotclientservices in task manager
Do you have the Riot Client up and running?
do it need to
do i need to log in as well?
No, Just lunch the Client.
@Deleted User 7dg36792 , i can now see the loading screen but it is frozen, still got the music
Can you provide me with a screenshot

So you're stuck in the loading screen?
it was a black screen
after following your information, it is no longer black screened
but now stuck on loading
Is it my computer's problem or the launcher problem
have you restarted your computer
il try restart again
press & hold "Windows Key + R" and type in "%localappdata%" find the VALORANT folder and click on it, click on the "Live" folder, Delete all the folders inside they should be called: (Config, Crashes, Logs, and webcache)
and restart ur pc after.
it worked , tysm
but it froze again
How so?
the game launched, but it froze
send screenshot
can we get onto a vc because it is hard to explain with a screenshot
hm, I cannot at the current moment, sorry.
il screenshot then
it froze here

can you hear the music?
is the game fully frozen or just not loading.
wdym yes?
i can hear the music all time
okay, Try fully deleting and reinstalling valorant and redo the steps if needed.
please wait
how do i know if valorant is fully deleted
by typing in VALORANT in your search bar, and pressing uninstall and deleting it.
i did all the steps but now it is again a black screen
Have you tried the method above again?
all of them
So, you're back to your original problem?
Then there is a issue during the methods or deleting/reinstalling valorant, Try reinstalling valorant & vanguard again.
aswell as the Riot Client.
i can't even delete it, i pressed the uninstall button but nothing happend
Yeah then there is a issue during the deletion / reinstalling process.
what should i do
try googling the uninstalling issue as i'm probably gonna head to bed in a minute.
I can assist you further tomorrow.
i mean, it says it is getting uninstalled but nothing happend
Try doing f11 or alt + enter and see how that works for ya
it worked