mmr problem
i dont understand how i get 41 kills and still lose 14 witch is also what my plat teamate lost with less than half my kills. i match mvp and have a high kd with 25 kills and only get 22, and then go negative in one match and lose 30???? this is literally unfair i take two steps forward and one step back but it basically is 3 steps back.

83 Replies
ignore the reyna spam please
like its riot games and they cant do ranked properly, if u got for example diamond + u re just lucky at this game mmr is fucked up and no needed, should be just ELO like at BETA
im already testing matchmaking already dodged 50 games because no ranks or low elo, once i got d1 83.3 % wr so i guess they trynna got me loser que
52 game 2x plat at not bad positive WR
not the answer i hoped for
but the answer i needed
guess ill just never play again
wait for source 2 cs go and valorant will be leaved
my mmr is fucked too lmfao
yee mmr is destroying a matchmaking totally
did you afk in that top game by any chance
if you did u lose 12 - the amount you would usually lose
I afk a lot
But only for a round
I don’t think I did in the top one though
well if you didnt then that's fucked
because i'm pretty sure the maximum rr loss is 30
and minimum is 10

because your probably a bad team player
also most of the other rounds you got >20
take this from a silver player
get good
You just said
you mean <20? 😂
what you said
Indicates the arrow going towards not 20
meaning the other is more
do you mean more than 20 or less than 20 lil bro
crocodile rule = it eats the bigger number
I might be poopoo but I’m a maths gamer
and you just said I’m a bad team player then called me bad based off my kills not being over 20
Kills mean nothing I’m entering for my team
being a team player affects win / loss, not how much you win / lose
and I’m the glue that holds the team together
Whenever they fight I just sing twinkle twinkle little star
and they all team up again just to hate on me it’s perfect
I sacrifice my dignity to get them to play together again
your a good team player
really takin one for the team
I try to
sometimes people trash talk me and I even say nice things to them so they don’t throw
I am thinking outside the box with that one
welcome to the valorant community
I want to say goodbye
I can’t hit plat
all my friends around me hit plat playing with me
i cant hit gold
because they lose less and gain more
gold is worse than silvers
it’s more competitive than diamond while being the same as silver
it’s just silver but they watched a proguides video on crosshairs
u just gotta consistently do better so your mmr rises
yeah I’m inconsistent
But surely you don’t think those numbers are horrendous
or you can just start a new account 💀
I understand I need to up for it to up but that is unbelievable
I face the same issue, but I'm too invested in my main to make a new acc
I spent money

Show the rr
That’s the problem here
Oh you did
Phone moment
0 rr plat 3 rn
tbf I frequently q with one of my friends who goes afk half the rounds 😂
I play better in plat lobbies than diamond
I mean gold
I don’t see a difference between plat diamond gold
same mechanically skilled
they just have way better comm knowledge
And way better mental
and less toxic
Gold players could not
when you do your GCSEs you will thank me for the extra SPAG mark
grammar correction is the 6th stage of grief
honestly gold plat and diamond is just silver with more ego and better aim
no game sense?
@tilh the mmr system is actually fucking crazy i had an account before i was bronze 2 where i mvp'd most games and would lose a crazy amount of rr i finally got the bronze 3 and it was even worse... i just decided made a new account and restarted and got into good elo and finally now im p2
But I’ve spent money
try to find someone to que with
I played one more game and I was tilted and tired and lost 21
I’ve been queuing wirh a plat 2

all those games are with a plat 2
nah thats actually crazy
your probably the most unlucky person
probably in losers que

I went negative
So losing 21 is great for me
I’m just frustrated that the game is actively holding me back
I’m not egotistical but I can totally destroy in plat lobbies
yea i feel your pain man
I’m inconsistent but when it’s on I could probably hop on diamond lobbies
i feel like gold - plat is a big change once you get in straight plat lobbies
but when it’s off I would get stomped by bronze players
yea you probably could beat diamonds in 1v1 but game sense is a huge thing
Yeah my game sense is not great
I overhear a lot
the games i usually lose is when i have no comms
I think my only option is to just get good and double rank up
its crazy how silent it can be
nah thats quite difficult
or just get lucky another that I take no losses
Because literally winning 8 and losing 5 still won’t rank me up

in fact I would make no progress
Possibly even losing rr
can i see what lobbies you get in?
I have one picture
I was showing a ascendant friend and he basically told me that I might aswell start a new account
does mmr ever reset

That’s one lobby
rr loss?
it’s pairing me with people my rank but it won’t rank me up past them
I gained
I think like 19
Oh I got 22
yea thats pretty normal
pretty normal
That’s good for me
I’d expect like 19 from that
pretty sure you would get above 18+
well i gtg now
I’m just saying
gl on your grind king 👑
I frag out for the team and my friend who got 14kills got 19
I had close to double his kills and he is a higher rank
He is yoru
and I gain 3 more than him
Thanks for the hel
i hope you figure out a solution

too scared to play my next two matches
i just want to hit plat the one time

I hit plat

My mmr seems to have improved a small bit
o nice