i am on a losing streak of 6, and i am about to quit the game

Any ideas, how i could stop this losing streak? I wouldn't say, that i am bad at aiming, so i don't really know the problem. I don't think, that I have been going for kills either. And in case, anyone is wondering, i wasn't instalocking.
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27 Replies
Purple Guy >:3
Purple Guy >:37mo ago
Take a break for today, come back tmrw
good idea i mean not all of them were today
Purple Guy >:3
Purple Guy >:37mo ago
Yes but still, chill out for some time Mental is important and warm up more
rice enjoyer
rice enjoyer7mo ago
find a duo
update: losing streak of 8 (it doesnt fit into 1 picture)
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BasedNoch7mo ago
holy fuck bro
BasedNoch7mo ago
Don’t worry same thing happened to me
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BasedNoch7mo ago
but now I’m gold 2 And still striving towards my goal @maracujacraft maybe try a different agent
UPDATE: I FINNALY WON A GAME (with overtime being 15-13) rip it just sucks, when theese happen
BasedNoch7mo ago
yeh After those happened I got good win streaks I can send
BasedNoch7mo ago
Anyways final thing is just Don’t give up
i was about to quit game lol
BasedNoch7mo ago
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nice i had one time, that i had a winstreak of like 6, and i was match mvp in all of them
BasedNoch7mo ago
nice See That’s the good part of Valorant
yeah, ik but i was so frustrated during this losing streak, cuz i was almost b2, and i almost got down to iron 2
CheeseDrip7mo ago
i was hardstuck bronze for the longest time but i got from b1 to s2 this act with these tips: 1. you may have heard this 10000 times but good crosshair placement puts you above 90% of bronze players (although i dont think this is a problem for you judging by your kda) 2. be patient and hold angles especially in man advantage situations 3. learn to play with your team - even if they are complete trash, you can play off them and trade kills, ensure they don’t die for nothing 4. if you have a mic, comming is super helpful compared to chat i think the easiest way to climb out of bronze is have good positioning, meaning be aware of who can flank you and if you have places to fall back (if playing defense for example) and have an aim training routine no matter how simple it is like a couple dms
sipo7mo ago
thats life start duoq full stack or just get better
"Q"7mo ago
Take a break and play team death match or death match or unrated Do that for a couple days or take a break from the game altogether
OsWaynZz7mo ago
5stack is shit more smurf and this is where you can find cheater
savv 💥
savv 💥7mo ago
bro i got a 10 loss streak
Serfero7mo ago
hej bro
Thank you so much for your tips!
Neøn7mo ago
Never give up !!!
blizzard7mo ago
hey at least you can get frags. i ca nt even get any frags in my ranked games, i have a losing streak of 5
sipo7mo ago
playing with a good vibe always yields better results