I keep getting "Out of memory" crashes in valorant
I usually get it randomly during a game or at the start of the match when we are loading in, why is this so? I'm literally able to run any other game perfectly fine with high graphics and shaders, When I play valorant I have to close all my other stuff and applications, I only have spotify and discord in the background, why does valorant need so much memory or disk to run? It's literally killing my pc
38 Replies
whats ur ram amount
shld be enough
close spotify it uses alot of memory
also update drivers
did u set pagefile size manually?
set it back to system managed or set great enough initial and max size
all are updated like weekly
spotify only uses like 250ish
150ish when not playing songs
idrk what is page file
virtual ram
aka disk as ram
how do i check
win+r, systemadvancedproperties
performance settings
what is the %%
To add to what mythea mentioned here's a breakdown step by step for adjusting page file cache:
-Open System Properties:
Press the Windows key + R to open the Run dialog box.
Type systempropertiesadvanced and press Enter.
-Access Performance Options:
Click on the Advanced tab.
Under the Performance section, click Settings.
-Navigate to Virtual Memory:
In the Performance Options window, select the Advanced tab.
Click Change under the Virtual memory section.
-Enable Automatic Management:
On the Virtual Memory window, make sure the checkbox labeled Automatically manage paging file size for all drives is checked.
This option allows Windows to dynamically adjust the page file size based on your system's needs.
Confirm and Restart:
Click OK twice to save the changes.
That's it! Windows will now automatically manage your page file size, taking care of allocating the optimal amount of disk space for temporary swap usage based on your current system needs. This is generally the recommended approach for most users as it simplifies setting and avoids potential risks of manually configuring the page file size.
If this doesn't help your issue, and considering that you have plenty of ram available, might be worth a reinstall of the game. Unless it is GPU memory that is running out? That's different than what we're talking about. Though if you're running other games high settings no issues, that would be odd considering Valorant's not a super high demanding game graphically...
do i have to restart my pc
im not sure if its gpu memory
cuz i just get an error where it says out of memory
what's ur gpu
if u have something with 2gb vram, likely to be yes
though valorant only needs 2gb of vram
im not sure
how do i check
or task manager
idk but i crashed again
like 10 mins ago
all my apps stop functioning after the crash
and i couldn't even see crash message it just said "Error" on the taskbar
and it was black screened
my task manager was invisible or something
i had to restart pc for stuff to work again
i was literally playing dm
Win + r
Display 1
What is the number by "Display Memory (VRAM)"

mine only says display
and not display 1
Yeah, your VRAM number is very low
what settings are you running on Valorant?
yeah u have 2gb of vram
show full screenshot
I wanna know what's ur gpu
u can enable something like smart alloc memory
all at the minimum
of what
how do i enable smart alloc mem
gpu size or name
my gpu is GT 1030
rebar on nvidia, I'm not sure how u turn it on for nvidia's, google
what do u mean
maybe let Google search be ur friend?
cant search what i dont even know
im supposed to f ind
just search what I said
how to turn on rebar on nvidia
gt 1030 should be good enough for low settings
there must be something else
You may be right 2gb most likely should be enough for low settings.
But if they are getting out of memory error there’s not many other ways to interpret that
But for the crashes you can reinstall drivers via DDU
probably something is open in the background that uses VRAM, so Valorant can't use enough VRAM and crashes
What other application would it be using the vram
I played on low settings with my gt 1030 for a long time
That literally means nothing
Because you can does not mean they can
Btw @Ice you can view vram usage in task manager
Open task manager, Performance, GPU, Memory usage