Enable secure boot
Hi everytime i try to play valo there is a message saying that i need to enable secure boot. The thing is i went to the bios of my mb but the TPM is already on plus i did everything valorant advised me but it still not working i have still the same message idk what to do... ty for ur help
48 Replies
oh and yesterday everything was working well but now no more
what's yr mobo?
if secure boot state says it's not active then it's not active
u need to refresh the management keys
just simply use the reset to factory keys option if available
they're in the same tab with secure boot
i don't speak english that well sry
what mobo is
asus tuf gaming 550M

F10 to save
and its still not working…

But its enable
go to boot tab
u will see secure boot there
not only tpm needs to be enabled

What I have to do now

Do I have to put windows UEFI mode ?
it doesnt matter actually
choose pk management
And ?

set new key

Yes ?
ok so now it will work ?
save changes and restart
boot into bios again

u should see active at this page now
Still unloaded

u only have windows right
if yes, change os type to windows
ig yh

F10 or I go to key management and I save
save and exit first
do the additional if it doesn't work
set knew key first ?
that's how things work, common sense
no, ignore that for now
ah fk
I though it means yes
also if u want exact guide
<motherboard model> enable secure boot and tpm
on google
google, always ur best friendu r my best friend now
is it working now
For now yes
great then
im in the queue
Idk cuz it can crash when i pick champions
Okkkk looks like its working now
ty so much
no problem
try this
it works for me
Yo tysm it 
