Couldnt install required dependency
Vanguard doesnt install on my pc, thought someone could just send me the vanguard installation folder and that would fix the problem. I dont really have people to send me the files, so i thought that maybe i could ask there.
27 Replies
you can find it on riot website im pretty sure and never take folder like that from other people
ill try to
I dont see it being there ;[
@f3rn143_ didnt find it too but i find this on reddit
The thing is that i have windows 11, and when i paste the commands that happens;

I'll try to download a virtual machine and paste the files onto my actual pc
am stupid
nvm nothing happens
i should have pasted sc delete vgk/vgc instead of - *
but it doesnt work anyway
Heyy, did you get any error?
Also this reddit post is from 4 years ago. Its properly not up-to-date anymore.
that the service isnt installed
You have a screenshot of it?
Its in polish language
idk if it'll help you
It says; The service doesnt exist as installed

I mean when you try to run Valorant.
When i click the button on the right lower corner it just does nothing, says installing for a half second and goes back to it. It says couldnt install required dependency if i launch the riot client

I found a support page that can possible help, The only problem is that I can't send it here because it is getting blocked by the server.
But I can send screenshots of the step by step solutions they have if that is what you want.
u can send it on dms if u want
Sure, But I don't suggest clicking random links from strangers.
i know'
u can send screenshots or the link
Already sended you the link in DM's
Cant do it because i dont have vanguard installed
and it wont install because of the error
Did you run Valorant as administrator?
If it is unable to install it can be possible your disk is to full.
I just reseted my pc
no way its full
ive got 350 free gb
Mmm this is a weird one. You can always try to reinstall the game.