I want my friends ACC back.
If a person scammed you for your account and sold it to someone else, how do I get it back? Because I tried using the riot tickets think and nothing really changed I still don't have my ACC back. (My friends account to be exact) the user currently is "damostwanted#0320"
Riot rev pls help me out 😦
63 Replies
using email i beileve
How do I use email to get my friend ACC back?
i beileve riot support
because they should not be able to swap emails un less they somehow did
Ya that what happen exactly yesterday
They swap the Gmail
But I was lucky and fast enough to change it back
Sadlyy duo not so lucky
And his skins is sold to some guy in Hungary
I just wanna know if riot can give it back to my duo somehow
Yes he can
How tho
Does he get like a message from riot?
How long does it take to receive it
@sleepy_omen https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360046229573-Recover-Your-Account
Recover Your Account
If you forgot your Riot Games username, can't remember your password, or need help recovering a compromised account, you're in the right place. Find your issue below and click the associated button...
And automatic recovery tool
Is the ticket report isn't?
If its dont work he will need to make a ticket
He already did yesterday
@sleepy_omen what did they say ?
Didn't reply yet
Not like a sign of it tbh
@sleepy_omen then do this its automatic
Idk if they will reply tho
The link u sensed me?
They will its just week end pretty sure they dont work
Weeks 😭?
Yep or you can find it by writing valorant support and in it you find lose account
Week end
Oh ok
How am I supposed to answer that
"who made this Account"

@OsWaynZz help pls
@sleepy_omen did you buy it or did you make it yourself?
Made it
It is alr
BC a riot dev contacted my friend
But didn't work
Idk why
riot dev contact your friend ? you know they never contact people if they didnt ask for it before so i think this guy was a scam
On Gmail tho
There is Qin
and ? scam are basically always on gmail
did your friend made a ticket ?
But they ask the same question as the tickets
if not then its probably a scam
Yes yesterday
be clear you friend got his account hack or you had your account hack
Hack idk
But the guy change the Gmail in our riot acc
its your friend account or your ?
Both of us
But I managed to go into my riot acc
And change it
And after that I change other settings too
So the guy couldn't steal my acc
But my friend the other hand was to late
okay than if he made a a ticket they ask mostly the same question as the auto tool recover
Which they did
so your friend create a ticket ?
And today one of them replied on Gmail
okay so its normal
And ask the same question
After answering all the questions
They say it did not match
I don't understand how
Most answers were correct
And some we were unsure
too many error or not enough proof its your account
I got one proof that is his ACC tho
I mean if u believe me
Is when riot made a 2023 summery
its not me who choose who get his account back

Cause he is my duo
I played with him alot
I am in game with I'm rn
its not a proof they dont care about this
On an alt he just made
Aw 😦
how much money he spent on the account ?
He got the 2023 champion
only that ?
Got more
then im sure you made many error on the question
Mostly the hexagon bundle or skins
His first purchase was the reaver phantom
the account with money on it they take it seriously and it easier to have it back so he made many error
We don't use PayPal tho
Nor card
They asked abt that
When it comes to the game currency
just try another recovery tool and hope
Is on Christmas too 😦
This is just sad
yep its sad but its life, life is sad
This is the only time I felt like this
As I was happy my whole life 0.0