Need Coach

Need Help
12 Replies
OsWaynZz6mo ago
@ttvdablued3m0n go on lfg you have a channel with free coach
TTV-DaBlueD3m0n6mo ago
i was on the lfg and saw nothing @OsWaynZz
OsWaynZz6mo ago
No description
oqau #fixtf2
oqau #fixtf26mo ago
you could also enter woohoojin free coaching raffles although youre unlikely to get it but if you do itll be a great coaching seassion i cant spell omg
OsWaynZz6mo ago
woohoojin is mid for me, only good if your higher than diams under there is no need
oqau #fixtf2
oqau #fixtf26mo ago
what rank are you?
OsWaynZz6mo ago
plat, i can explain why i think he is mid if you want
oqau #fixtf2
oqau #fixtf26mo ago
sure go ahead
OsWaynZz6mo ago
i look like 15 video of his coaching and he just stay one little subject that is a need yeah but not low elo, his coaching session are to help hardstuck diams or higher because those little thing keep them hardstuck his guide are good, i also like his point of view but vs other youtuber, like sero, rem or charlatan he just make thing too complex for what its, if your not native people have an hard time to understand what he is saying so he is one of the best coach but not for low elo, if you under diams just taking a free coaching on lfg is enough, but if you an hardstuck at atleast diams than you can go with him and he will help you a lot i hope you understand what i said im not native
oqau #fixtf2
oqau #fixtf26mo ago
yeah but watching vs getting coached is different if you get a coaching session from any high rated player it would be good
OsWaynZz6mo ago
on lfg almost all the free coach are ascendant you can find also many immo/radiant you have choice
oqau #fixtf2
oqau #fixtf26mo ago