hardstuck iron 3

Yo anyone down to help me get out of iron 3 im hardstuck but better than my bronze friend and everytime i get close to bronze i go on a losing streak even if i topfrag my games
7 Replies
as soon as i get close to rankup i go against silvers and bronze 3s and plats
Lettuce Chicken
Lettuce Chickenβ€’7mo ago
5-stack with good people u find, like complete randoms such as the top frag of the other team, i do that with trash people and i carry them to like silver
i legit cant my entire enemy team is silver except for one dide dude*
OsWaynZzβ€’7mo ago
Try do only 1 to 4 ranked by day max, try to play with you mate, in low elo and even higher they will not play with you so you have to play with them, encourage them, also dont forger to work on your mechanic because you must have a lot of thing to learn
yea at this point imma js stay iron 3 bc no way i js got in a game with2 plat 2 and 3 like my luck js terrible
OsWaynZzβ€’7mo ago
You are 5stacking ? Or are talking about their peak ?
every other game i get smurfs i cant 5stack bc no one friends bot frags