Created by 𝔏𝔵𝔰𝔱 on 12/13/2023 in #community-help
Hardstuck iron
Ok so here my problem, i an hardstuck iron, and everytime i get close to bronze i go on a losing streak bc of smurfs, the fuck am i supposed to do? it used to be bots on my team "get a five stack" i got one. then it was util missuse i worked on my util, not i cant get out of fucking smurf lobbies, and its upsetting because i was going to rank up to bronze then i got a full silver 3 and one bronze 2 on enemy team and i legit cant do anything to help my 5stack win because even if we all stick together we get outaimed and outplayed. I guess i js want to know if this will change or if ill just stay iron 3 because if it continues like this im quitting comp as a whole as it is just too frustrating to play even on seperate days per comp game and still have a losing streak and derank to iron 2 and 1
21 replies
Created by 𝔏𝔵𝔰𝔱 on 12/10/2023 in #community-help
hardstuck iron 3
Yo anyone down to help me get out of iron 3 im hardstuck but better than my bronze friend and everytime i get close to bronze i go on a losing streak even if i topfrag my games
12 replies