rrs and ranked system
Fast question
I had 12:0 rank game
We lost 5 rounds so 12:5
My pc died so I Got disconected and we won after 3 rounds (still not in game) will i gain or lose rrs?
Even if i won with MVP?
37 Replies
You will overall gain rr if the game thinks you played better than average +25-30 rr
But you will have an afk penalty
So -5/10 rr
You should still get an overall gain in rr if you were mvp
i remember i had that once
i think i got my rrs?
not sure about how it works now
Is this better? I think ye cuz I had 6 mote kills than top 2

2 defence kills?
That was one hell of an attacking half
But if it the Reyna game you should be fine
defense is harder
dont spam
aim calmly
After all one of my friends afk’d the entire game https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/846664199924482068/1197767206591803402/image.png?ex=65bc76a3&is=65aa01a3&hm=b7f5136919ec75aff1cd77d3a8c4ca8c45825f6aac5e69b469d5510bda45ec06&
And lost 16
So as mvp you should be fine
Iam trying, its Hard after 4months witout valorant, but I reached champ on fort
Big difference between Fortnite and Val
Mainly in ttk (time to kill) as in Val one headshot is all you need whereas in Fortnite a lot more billets are needed
the one with better first bullet accuracy wins in valo
Meaning in Valorant your first few shots are more important
Ye... my team was picking and I was in 5v1 situations...
Low elo moment
Nothing you can do about it if you already asked them to stop peeking and they refused to listen
"Omen u got 3 kills plz buy me vandal ill peak and u will take their gun"
He bought vandal without shield and died after 2 second in mid
Ik im not the Best but tbh, if iam MVP of game then trust me
Rule 1 of Valorant
Don’t trust teammates
Especially in soloq
thats like
the worst rule you can give someone
to try to rank up
you can't run into shit without coordinating anything with your team and then blame them later for you being "stuck" in your rank
its not a 1v9, its a 5v5 even though sometimes it might not feel like it
you're not a 1 man army
you still need your teammates
sorry if this came out as rude its just that ive seen so many players just complain about bad teammates when they just expect their teammates to read their mind
its highly unlikely that your teammates pressed the start button for comp thinking to themselves,"im gonna try to make this the most miserable experience for my teamamtes as much as possible", believe it or not, your teammates are trying to win most of the time
Sorry if i came off wrong, what i meant by this statement was that you can't rely on your teammates to hold angles/use util without being told to as well as relying on them to win gunfights and not throw as most players just don't have the mental discipline to stop themselves without being told to by someone else
I agree with this statement fully
lmao we both wrote paragraphs💀
no shit the guys not gonna listen to you
you started by shitting on his kills
I think advicec from old immo 3 player are good
but your kinda insulting him
of course nobody will want to listen to you
im an immo 3 brotha
its common sense your teammate wont want to listen to you if you shit on them
just be a better person and youre teammates will help
not that hard
immo 3 but in silver look like a buy account to me
Realll how do you go from immo 3 to silver 😭
boosted/ buy account
only way
if he was a real immortal he would derank to diams or high plat max
Yeah, just because there’s a new act doesn’t mean an immo is gonna start playing like a silver out of nowhereeee
new episode*
but yeah, if he was immo last act then he didnt get derank silver, he would be derank around diams
so probably a immo from a long time
who tf is the immo were talking about
the op
he said it himself
and he is silver @Diet Pepsi
thats crazy
bought account?
pretty sure
wait was op immo last act?
or ones before
probably one before
or in his dream we dont know
might be the most clueless immo ive ever seen