High ping
So when i started playing unrated with my brother, My ping starts to get high but my brother doesn't, Yes my internet is good, Yes me and my brother use the same Wifi and Yes i have indeed tried Reinstalling Valo so what's wrong with it?
72 Replies
turn on rawinput buffer
it's already on but it's still the same

try moving closer to the router
Is your ping still high when playing alone?
Yea it still goes high when im alone
If you only have high ping in Valorant try to select a different server. You can do this right here (See image)

Oh yea i've done that my server is Singapore and Hongkong and yet is still like this
You are using Wifi. So I guess you are using a laptop?
Yes i'm using laptop

We use the same Wifi
I don't know if you guys are in the same room but can you try to get closer to the router (Or even better where your friend is sitting).
Oh were on the same room
Close to our router
Its this laptop
But when i play different games its fine
But this
So we at least can rule out its because of bad Wifi.
But we use the same wifi :( and he's not lagging but i do
So its properly some settings you need to change. Let me take a quick look what I can find.
Alright take your time ^^
So what you can try is closing any background apps that you do not need.
What you can also try is to set your Valorant priority on high. This also gives your fps a boost.
Wait wdym by priority
Also i play valo without any background apps
Go to task manager (CTRL + SHIFT + ESC). Then right click on Valorant. A menu will pop up with the option (Set priority) here you can set your priority to high.
Ight hold ob
Oh i dont see any Set Priority
That is weird, What windows are you using?
I have windows 11 and it is there?
The priority one?
Yeah, Its in Dutch. But it is there

Efficiency mode.
But I see you need to expand it first, Then right click the second Valorant.

Oh got it
Now what
Oh efficency
Yeah set it to high.
Cpu is going down
Like it was 97% to 56%
Is that good?
I mean, the lower the cpu % the better
Dang i turned on lower on UnrealCEF instead of the VALORANT
I think it is a coincidence. Task manager does that all the time.
You can try and play a round and see how it goes.

Is this done?
Do i have to restart this?
If you set the priority to high you can close task manager. If that is what you mean.
Oh i mean the game
2 sec
Its still the same when i change the priority to high
Yeah my bad, You need to turn off efficiency mode (The setting you just turned on)
It automatically turns off when i turned on the Priority tho
efficiency mode needs to be off, Iff you don't have this icon anymore its good.

Yea ik

Yeah there you go.
Its still the same thing..
Lemme try restarting it
What do you mean by same thing?
It still lags
It already was on high?
What kind of laptop do you have?
No i already set it on high
Since it was low
An acer xd
And you already restarted your laptop right?
It doesn't get laggy when i play other games
Damn we are running out on options here.
Your laptop is also up-to-date?
I just need someone who had experienced this issue and solved it :(
A lot of people have ping issues but not everyone has the same solution.
So we got no solution for this
I don't know if you have this issue at home but you can always try a wired connection.
For now we tried everything I could find.
Hey thanks for helping me it was nice for you to help me out this late, I gotta go to bed
Alright I'm happy to help. If anything pops up I will let you know as soon as possible.
r u in the wrong region?
This is so sad reading this
And why is that?
No solutions going to an end and I'm hearing past lives
You talking the enchantment table language or something?