Sound cues
Is it me or is the sound in Valorant a bit weird? Sometimes I get confused about where an enemy is coming from even if I know the general direction. Sometimes I'm not sure which side there on or the footsteps sound further away when they're really close by. Anyone know why this is or is it just me?
I have HRTF on, checked my sound drivers, my sound is all the way up.
I do play with a 5 stack and unfortunately they have a tendency to back seat me a lot so sometimes I get yelled at for not hearing a sound queue while they're talking or yelling. I explain to them that I have trouble hearing sometimes becasue they keep yapping away but they insist that since they heard it while talking I should've to (which sorta makes sense?) I dunno.
Any ideas?
8 Replies
The audio is fine
this isn't apex.
this happens to me, i think itsj ust that im stupid. i find that it happens more commonly in dm because people can be anywhere but in a normal game there is a certain place people can be so it doesnt happen as much as it does in dm
I also DM a lot so maybe that has something to do with it?
Maybe I'm a stupid person too
is your sound settings set to mono instead of stereo?
Nope. Always stereo.
im late asf but do you have spacial sound on?
it can sometimes interfere with hrtf and cause your audio to get messed up
Nah its not on