can anyone help me buy yoru pls?

i really want him, i only have 5k kingdom credits i really want him now
12 Replies
citywok6mo ago
how do we help u dawg
anthonyyy6mo ago
how to get more kingdom points for him
citywok6mo ago
just play games and get exp
anthonyyy6mo ago
its rlly hard when u only get a 100 per win i only have 5k, i need 8k
Vulxi6mo ago
Stay on the grind, stop thinking about kingdom creds then they will come naturally. Personally I liked when you had to grind for about 2-3 months to get 1 agent.
anthonyyy6mo ago
bruh thats long i want yoru now tho :<
Vulxi6mo ago
And? Be patient
anthonyyy6mo ago
ugghhh, im new at this game
Paki Kulfi
Paki Kulfi6mo ago
just play you will get it yoru isnt even good you will be trash with yoru pick something easier to play
anthonyyy6mo ago
Max6mo ago
Good luck anthonyyy, you got this... by the time you know it, you'll have all the characters unlocked! I don't personally, but I don't play enough to get kingdom credits. Here's a few tips: Playing any game mode: Every round completion earns you 2 KC, and winning a round grants you 4 KC. Completing Daily Rewards: You can earn up to 600 KC per day by completing four daily checkpoints. Purchasing items in the Agent Gear Store: Reaching tier 5 in an Agent's Gear Store rewards you with 2,000 KC. Also, if you are penalized in a match for disruptive behavior, you won’t receive any KC for that match. I know this is rare, but worth noting... I'm personally a trouble maker coming from my old veteran counter strike world. One more note, once you get 10,000 kingdom credits, you gotta spend them before you can receive more KC's. They cap at 10k.
anthonyyy6mo ago
thanks bro