VALORANT16mo ago

account restricted

Hi my account was restricted till 2203 I haven’t received any explanation on why I have been restricted I have spent a lot of time and money on my account and getting restricted like that is outrageous This is what I received for the ticket that I sent the support (Thank you for your patience, As a result of further researches that we made on your account, we didn't find any mistake; that means the disciplinary action is correctly applied. Since the investigations have been made according to conclusive evidences, it is not possible to lift the restriction in the future. Take care of yourself.) Could anyone help me I don’t know why I got restricted also a friend of mine got his account restricted the same day . ( I don’t use cheats nor swear in matches)
17 Replies
Stefan16mo ago
@3mk_3bd Are you the original owner of the account ?
Droxz16mo ago
Thats because the account was probably botted It happened to me too
3bd_joOP16mo ago
i bought it tho i changed all email and pass i had it for like 3months
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi16mo ago
thats your explanation buying accounts is illegal lmao
Stefan16mo ago
ye that could be the reason
Tartauros16mo ago
That is your reason Its against their tos, they have the rights to terminate your account
3bd_joOP16mo ago
so acc cannot be giving to ther by will what about the money i spent in game anyway to get refunded ? and a friend of mine has acc bought like mine hasnot been banned game chamged his region bound just like that
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi16mo ago
bro you broke tos its your fault
3bd_joOP16mo ago
is there any chance to get it unlocked with region bound to my country or something of such
OsWaynZz16mo ago
and ? do you cheat anbd ask to get refund your skin ? because its the same you broke the tos because it depend on people some are they have luck some dont and they dont have luck, the guy probably use bot to grind the account or maybe they just found the stats are suspicious they verif and totaly not the same ip and no you cant
3bd_joOP16mo ago
i never been told this befor first week and people told me get turky acc its cheaper didnot know its bannable i just want to play the game and buy skins i can afford have spend already 120 dollar on it'
Tartauros16mo ago
Nope Nope Your fault, sorry but u lost your money
OsWaynZz16mo ago
yes but you dont buy account you should have made one with a vpn
Tartauros16mo ago
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi16mo ago
its free to make an account and your skins do t get discounted by buying an account
OsWaynZz16mo ago
he mean skins 50 dollars for them is 100 for us
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi16mo ago
ah i see sad sad

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