Can't join a game
I am able to get into valorant but when i click the q button I instantly get kick out of valorant with the error message VAL 5. VAL 5 comman fix is to log out everywhere witch i have done. Things i have done:
loged out evryewhere, changed passwords and enabled 2 fac af
checked bios for secureboot
flushed my ip in cmd
run as administrator
sc delete vgk
Played valorant on anoither acount
I am able to play leuage but not valorant.
any other ideas for me to test?
11 Replies
I have windows 11 if that helps
How long has this been happening?
about 1-2 weeks
Have you opened a support ticket?
yes on their website, but havent got a respons yet.
Yeah, just wait for the reply
All you can really try is a full uninstall
yes vanguard, riot and valorant
it worked the day i reinstalled it but won't work now
i tryed it today again but won't work anymore
Yeah, sorry
Just wait 👍
np thaks for trying
Firewall or router settings? Valorant requires access to the following ports:
TCP Ports:
80: HTTP (standard web traffic)
443: HTTPS (secure web traffic)
2099: PVP (Riot platform)
UDP Ports:
3478, 3479, 3480: game client?
7000-8000: game client
8180-8181: game client
There's a few more for voice and other stuff, but i'm not entirely familiar with the rest of ports in this game...
NOW, that being said, this is probaly all a waste of time, sorry for the useless info lol XD. If your internet and router supports UPnP (which majority of equipment now days usually does...), you shouldn't have to do any of this. If you live in an apartment or any other managed complex or structure of internet accessibility, it may be worth contacting your internet service provider for further assistance.