16 Replies
try search it on yt ig
I already tried everything, i tried so hard that i had to buy a new hdd because my laptop broke
What kind of laptop do you have?
Goofy ahh laptop with a N5030 and a UHD 605
The only thing that annoys me are the fps drops
Buy a new laptop
or computer
Do i look like i shit money
Lower your video settings.
Use these settings for max FPS.

No but if nothing works its your potato.. I mean laptop that can't handle Valorant.
Kinda everything is on low
keep multithreaded rendering on if u have it, i gives you extra fps
I would if it was an existing option💀
lower video settings and lower resolution
lowering resolution sucks but its a sacrifice you gotta make for consistent fos
Bro my res is on the lowestðŸ˜
nothing to do then if your laptop cant do it then its time for upgrade
try closing stuff running in bg
use task manager and just kill things like discord that you arent really using