VALORANT14mo ago

I got a audio related issue

I can que into a ranked game and type so its not a communication ban, everyone on my team is shown up as muted, (Image below) and I can't talk when I click my push to talk button (mouse button 4) When i go into the audio voice chat tab team chat is on and loopback test pick up my mics audio. I can also hear everything related to the game perfectly. Minus the fact I can't hear or talk to my teammates unless its through text chat. any suggestions or fixes would be greatly appreciated. 🙂
17 Replies
AonjxOP14mo ago
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AonjxOP14mo ago
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AonjxOP14mo ago
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AonjxOP14mo ago
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AonjxOP14mo ago
Will add to that a little more, I can hear myself on loopback
Max14mo ago
Do you notice this whenever you restart Valorant? Reason I ask this, I had an issue for a while where every first match at a fresh launch of game had mics, but every game after did not until I restarted the game. So I basically had to restart the game between every match to keep my comms working. Really strange and i'm not sure what caused it to go away and work normally. I would recommend fully restarting your computer, internet equipment, and try again. I am going to prematurely assume.... you've been in the Val community for a long time, is this a new issue for you personally? Comms does require specific access to certain ports (UDP and TCP), but if I were to subtract the technicality from the equation, I feel like it is probably not relevant to that. Best of luck to you, sorry I don't have a direct answer for you, but worth the recycling of equipment at the least! Take care.
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Take a Step Back14mo ago
I got the same problem pls help
AonjxOP14mo ago
Thanks for the reply So ill answer in points: I don't have team coms available at all, fresh install or restart no coms will pop up. I have tried the full restart of my computer uninstalling the game and have restarted my router a few times
mythea14mo ago
which country are u in
AonjxOP14mo ago
I joined the valorant community in episode 6 i believe and haven't really played all that much but i have only hade this problem start recently
mythea14mo ago
I've heard that vc are banned on some countries contact ur isp and ask if the required ports are blocked or not
AonjxOP14mo ago
NA Canada to be more specific. which shouldn't be a problem considering I have a friend who lives 30ish minutes from me who can use voice coms to Would that be something that started recently because I was able to use coms just a few days ago.
mythea14mo ago
check ur router management page
AonjxOP14mo ago
how do I do that?
mythea14mo ago
required ports may be blacklisted or blocked or at ur isp side ipconfig in cmd local gateway type it into ur browser
AonjxOP14mo ago
1. Firstly, please follow this guide on configuring firewalls. These are the file paths you need to add: C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\VALORANT.exe C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\VALORANT-Win64-Shipping C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealCEFSubProcess.exe C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\vgc.exe C:\Riot Games\Riot Client\RiotClientServices.exe If this doesn’t resolve your problem, try temporarily disabling/uninstalling all firewalls/antiviruses from your computer, except Windows Firewall, which you can only disable. If you want to try that, the steps are here. P.S.: Make sure to only disable this stuff while you are playing, in case they might be blocking the game, and turn them back on when you're doing anything else, in order to maintain the security of your PC 2. After that, let's adjust some network settings: ■ If you're using WiFi, try switching to wired. In almost every case, using a wired connection is much better for the game, since the WiFi signal can go up and down, leading to connection issues all of the sudden. On the other hand, a cable will provide you with a more stable and reliable connection. ■ Follow this tutorial in order to release/renew your IP, and flush the DNS. ■ Try to check if your network adapter drivers are up to date (follow the steps from here to see how). ■ Let's go through a power cycle of your router and modem. Pull out the power cable from both devices (or one if you're using a router/modem combo device), wait at least 30 seconds, and then plug them back in. 3. Then, I suggest doing a clean boot before playing (avoid manually opening other apps apart from the game afterward). ❗ Important: After you click the 'Disable All' button, find 'vgc' and re-check that one. 4. Lastly, I recommend running the game with administrator privileges, so follow the steps in our guide to make sure it has the permissions it needs to run correctly. This is the reply I got from my support ticket with valorant and it fixed my problem @Take a Step Back
Take a Step Back
Take a Step Back14mo ago
Ain't work for me 😅 Atleast I can still play comp Fuck the comms ig we locking Reyna

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