account hacked and hacker sent me email mocking and abusing me
so for last 3 monthes I've been trying to fight these hackers they hacked my account and sold to someone else and being the owner of account i retrieved the account but everytime it just ended up same idk how these hackers are able to hack regardless of having 2fa and most strongest password possible after retrieving account for first time I submitted multiple tickets regarding my account's security but same response of 2fa and all that but on DEC/10/2023 i queued for spoke rush and I was kicked out of account and it showed temporary ban short after my login credentials changed and riot said they can't do anything now.. didn't get any email change password ...and cheery on top my email has 2 usernames attached don't ask me how but it's there ...
i would have made new account but I've spent around $1000 on this account just heartbroken to see riot security system

11 Replies
is it possible to get account back ?
@lemonade0369 do you have shop viewers ?
mean? through which we can watch valorant's store ?!
yes ..
@lemonade0369 its this, none of them are official and they are here to sell the hack account and boost other account
oh..but it didn't happen cuz of that .. I recieved email from hacker too...he sold my account to someone else and then i revoked it so he banned it ... it's this case ...and riot's security is crap
and mf has the Audacity to call me the scammer

do riot team see these messages ? ...where should I seek help ?
I've spent way too much
