How do I refund a gun that I've upgraded and used, but only bought it 3 days ago?

21 Replies
it will use your special refund and you need to make a ticket
Where do I make a ticket?
u dont need to make a ticket
go to riot website log in and find purchase history, there should be things u bought and red button REFUND
just click on it and it will give u back vp and rp instantly
got told that many time but you ask to refund the variant and you get the skins refund ?
but if u used it/upgraded u will use ur onetime refund for upgraded skins which means u wont be able to refund again used skin
yeah it says skin variants and radianite points but it refunds the whole thing
yes and ? he want to refund the skins ?
oh okay
a bit stupid from riot
i was so confused when i saw it too
wait so i just refunded my oni phantom
on the purchase history bit
that should give me back the vp and rp and get rid of the skin?
tf you refunding the oni phantom for bro
its fire
it will refund everything and the gun will disappear
mabye changed their mind imo theres better phantoms u can buy so
it refunded the variant but the skin is still in my collection?
in inventory u can see image of that gun
but u shouldnt have it
in matches
the variant or the entire gun skin?
because i still have the oni phantom
@nex yep that what i said you keep the skins
you need to make a ticket, the other guys was wrong i hope it didnt use your only special refund
it probably did
ill still try
but idk
i did the same thing ( i clicked refund next to guns variant bio ) and i got refunded both vp and rp and i dont have that gun anymore
it was instant
and i was told the same thing when i asked how to refund
so i have no idea why it didnt work for u
im srs
made a ticket, hoping it works
I hope for you too