how can i counter a smurfer?

i need to know
49 Replies
clash of clans enthusiast
smurfs enjoy flanking you so if you have a sentinel tell them to watch flank with a ability or just peek flank time to time
me7mo ago
you just gotta play w/ ur team. unless they're reyna, they can't survive a perfect crossfire.
clash of clans enthusiast
and if the smurf stays at a site 4 times in a row or 2 times in a row try avoiding that site and pushing in together with flashes stuns and any other util im only gold so idk this is based off of my experience
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
im silver and my smurfer just go and one tap eryone
clash of clans enthusiast
cause youre peeking one by one
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
and hospital flicks if we are in a cross fire
clash of clans enthusiast
might be hacking but tell your team to just swing together
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
yeah but it will be cheater detected
clash of clans enthusiast
riot vanguard ensures 2nd game ban not first game
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
and i lost almost all my rr be cuz of smurfing
clash of clans enthusiast
he could be banned in the next 1 or 2 games
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
clash of clans enthusiast
what server do you play?
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
clash of clans enthusiast
no which one frankfurt london paris madrid? if you play on frankfurt i suggest moving to london or paris or even madrid easier games and less smurfs
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
i think frank fruit
clash of clans enthusiast
move to another one
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
clash of clans enthusiast
frankfurt is a horrible experience in silver
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
and im had enough top fraging evry game
clash of clans enthusiast
i moved to london and paris and got gold with extra training do you play duelist controller sentinel or initiator fill is one too
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
duelist sentinel initiator
clash of clans enthusiast
cause if you really take rank seriously you kinda have to instalock duelist with self sustaining abilities such as reyna phoenix
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
duelist most of the time
clash of clans enthusiast
what duelist
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
clash of clans enthusiast
just instalock her every match
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
i do sometimes
clash of clans enthusiast
then youre good
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
yeah but i need a good team same as my rank i cant update fast to a gold game sense
clash of clans enthusiast
now whats your best attribute is it game sense aim positioning or just all of them if its aim you should work on positioning and game sense if its positioning you should work on aim (the most important aspect) and game sense
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
game sens aim you are refering on ofangel by position?
clash of clans enthusiast
not only off angles positioning is a branch of game sense you can have good game sense but not positioning and vice versa
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
whats vice versa?
clash of clans enthusiast
the opposite like good positioning and bad game sense or good game sense but bad positioning i cant send links here but i improved my positioning by using this vid im gonna send it to you in dms
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
ok tanks
clash of clans enthusiast
i have to add you to send it
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
ok accepted
cooldude7mo ago
you tilt them odin operator odin spam the shit out of them through walls
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
oh yea works too
OsWaynZz7mo ago
@mr.duck8074 do you 5Stack?
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
not evry time
OsWaynZz7mo ago
@mr.duck8074 ok modt of the time you will tend to fight more cheater and smurf in 5stack,also you should zvoid frankfurt the level are just too mixed in and idk, the way they play are just strange try another server london is good, paris not the best im french and there is many toxix
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
ok so i should not do 5 stack
OsWaynZz7mo ago
@mr.duck8074 nop @mr.duck8074 you dont feel like you see more smurf in 5stack ?
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
yeah now that i think
cooldude7mo ago
nah i just say oui oui baguette and my go to phrase when someone is toxic to me on that server is "go put a baguette up your ass"
OsWaynZz7mo ago
i cant do that im french its friendly fire bro
Just a Duck
Just a Duck7mo ago
i dosent work i had smurfers and all my teammate were sayin i trow when second fraging