windows 10 VAN:RESTRICTION tpm 2.0
Ive played valorant for a long time now and yesterday after closing the game and coming back later i was greeted with VAN RESTRICTION........ tpm 2.0 is required my pc doesnt support tpm 2.0 and never has why is it only now a problem, ive read that its not needed for windows 10 and is only required for windows 11?
93 Replies
Check your system settings to see if automatic updates was turned on and your current version
Im on windows home 22H2
And i have this optional update

I also dont see how it wouldve updated seeming my pc wasnt turnt off or anything so it couldnt of updated and restarted
Have you tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling
yes i even reisntalled windows through both usb and the recovery options
they start to do it with window 10, and you can play without tpm but you need vps i think ?
Press the windows key + r and type tpm.msc check the status and see if its ''Ready for Use''
i have no tpm

you need tpm 2.0 to play valorant
its a change implimented in early july
valorant support forums say thats only for windows 11
on their website i think that what they said 5 month ago
i was literally playing it for the past 3 weeks though havent changed anything component or setting wise
I would still enter BIOS and make sure its enabled
how would i know if i have vps
if that doesnt work I would make another support ticket
i cant enable it bc my pc doesnt have one <:val_KekwSob:914192985166610433>
virtualisation based security?
that why intel is shit 🤷♂️
yeah i think its that
Then I don't know how else to help unfortunately in this forum it says on win10 u can play without tpm and vbs
Addressing Virtualization-based security (VBS) settings on Windows ...
This article applies to players who receive the following VAN9005 notification:
VALORANT won't run on your machine starting July 10, 2023, unless you take action.
Your best option is to change ...
all the problems you displayed are due to the lack of TPM
if u enable vbs u need tpm
yea i get that but how come its only happening now
For that I also dont have an answer to
and the annoying thing is my friends who also dont have tpms are playing perfectly fine
probably because of a window update
it didnt update
theyre still on windows 10
the latest
yeah but you got window maj
looking at other threads about tpm im going to assume its a common problem hopefully riot do something about it
they will not, and more game will start to ask for it
how come my friends who dont have tpm or vbs can play fine though
spec are different, maybe they also have a different window
is there any other way i can play valo?
like maybe duel booting an older version of windows
vps is problably the only way
looks like ill be upgrading my motherboard and cpu sooner than id hoped
go for amd, better and last longer <:val_CatBigStare:1171620702269493348>
Any recommendations not to expensive but good for a 2060super
i had R7 2700 with a Rx5500xt so its a little worst than 2060 maybe you can go with a R5/R7 3700x
go amd and get an am5 cpu and mobo
what the cpu @OsWaynZz said is good for 2060 but its not future proof
because the cpu socket has already been replaced (by am5) so you would have to buy a new mobo to upgrade cpu
i can get a r7 5700x for a decent price from my friend that comes with a mobo is that good or should i go for a ryzen 5 and a new mobo
and also check the supported ram of new mobos because some of them dont support ddr4
is it used?
mobo is but cpu isnt
do you plan on upgrading cpu in the future?
if the r7 5700x runs what i need it too then no not particularly or atleast not for a while
i would say go on pcpartpicker and play around
i would still say get an am5 cpu
just in case you upgrade in the future
is am5 any better in performance?
@.wivz. if you can go with an am5 go for it i just tell what cpu is good for you gpu but if you want to upgrade you will have to either go with the last gen of the am4 or go with am5
newer gen chips
the 7600x is around the same price as the 5700x but its a newer socket
try to look for more solutions for your problem tho
maybe you could fix it without upgrading
will a ryzen 7 5700x 3.4ghz bottleneck my 2060super?
i still am searching but as worst case im running a very old gen intel cpu that bottlenecks my gpu bc i got it free lmfao
so i need to upgrade that anyway
ah i see
well if you dont really care about future proof
@.wivz. im not a pro at bottleneck and composant, and im probably about to say a big shit, but i think cpu dont bottleneck gpu, am i right @Diet Pepsi ?
then you should get the ryzen 5 5600x
it can
bottlenecking goes both ways
its just good gpu+bad cpu has more headroom
Okay as much as a gpu bottleneck a cpu ?
which is better the r5 5600x or the r7 5700x i can get them both for the same price
the 5700x will be better but it will probably be a bit bottlenecked
Oh okay thank <:Spray_AllGood:717164802300182619>
well im running a 2060super on a 3rd gen i5 currently
you would still get more performance with 5700x
its just it wont be able to run as fast as it can go
bottlenecked as in my gpu is too low for the r7?
probably a little
if its more performance then the 5600x even on my gpu then id say its worth it as i can get them for the same price right?
that cpu can pair with 3080s
more performance
and more futureproof
just make sure to research everything carefully
because a newer mobo could also maybe mean different ram
id go for the r7 5700x then and an asus prime b550M-K as they are compatible and not too pricey
new ram isnt too bad as its not too pricey
if you only game then 16gbs is enough
more is needed for more workload
yea 2x8 is only around 40-50£ for corsair vengeance anyway which im pretty sure is what i have
is it ddr4 or 5?
ddr 4
you also dont need the best ram for gaming
ddr5 is quite recent is it not?
around 1 or 2 years
try to look for a mobo that supports the cpu and ddr4 first
ive found one that supports ddr4 and the cpu its the ASUS Prime B550M-K
how much is the 5700x
i misread the cpu
its still am4
better than 5600x but not future proof
its still a good option tho
future proof isnt really what i need as im not looking to upgrade unless i have too as i dont game too much
thats good
then the cpu should be good
what psu do you have
750W i think
should be enough
but double check first
yea i will double check
put everything you have into pcpartpicker and make the changes
the website gives you notes on potential problems
im in school rn so cant much
ill continue this at home
all good i think thats all the help i need tysm
the only disclaimer is to make sure the bios version is the correct on for the motherboard to support the cpu
so its all good as i can do that
glad i could help
Have you fixed this
he hasnt because his mobo doesnt support tpm
watch a video on youtube about enabling tpm 2.0
x3d chips will provide u more fps, get it if price similar
x3d costs much more
and for the games the op plays it isnt really needed
oh yeah didnt know about the price
^ @mythea
mods arent riot employees
the fact that its actually rated by the game to determine u must have it enabled or not
u must know this post right
hes on win10
on a 4th gen cpu
which the mobo surely doesnt have tpm 2.0
more posts though
not going to dig it
Upgrade pc moment