What should I go for?

So, I started yesterday on my old level 10 account. I'm now level 13, and I have Omen, Cypher & Killjoy. What are the basics of the game like what agents are the best for competitive farming and are there any " Mechs "?
1 Reply
Jisoo15mo ago
if you can really frag out and help your team win then choosing duelists is the play like jett reyna or raze they’re good in low lobbies but if you want to stay back a bit and play safe then go sentinels or if you want to frag out but you don’t want to entry first then pick initiators only play smokes when you know what you’re doing since it’s very easy to mess up smokes and cause your team to lose i think the way to get out of low lobbies fast is going duelists and initiators but if you can’t push for your team and frag out then pls don’t play them

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